
By the time you read this, you’ll be in the real rapture.

Penises on the crown.

Even when I first watched it, it’s definitely very gay and homoerotic. If Kaoru was female, it would 100% be straight romantic.

Xenogears seeing as how bad disc 2 was.

The rule of standing one side and walking on the other is standard across most of the civilized world. The move to standing on both sides will fail because it’s against behaviour that is instituted by all rules of traffic and our own experiences and desires.

Tanking is what I do the most in this game, next is healing but only because of the community. I tend to play whatever roles are needed most unless I’m forced into a role by needing to complete a quest as that role.

How long till porn is discovered in a window?

Loved the game but hated the levelling system (which is similar to the SaGa series).

The recommendation I gave to a foreign government about Trump when he was elected was to hope that he is so incompetent that nothing gets done, worst case scenario is that he is just competent enough to get things done. My mind on Mr. Op-ed is that you guys ruined the hope of the rest of the world by making him just

I remember back when I worked Taco Bell when they had Jurassic Park toys up for sale (during the original movie). When we were ordering the toys for sale, I told the manager to order more of the “squishy raptor eggs” (I think it was recalled though).

Best comedy anime ever. My short review on Crunchy Roll describes it as Ren and Stimpy X Shoujo X Seinfield.

Umm isn’t the rain of arrows stuff why phalanx shield maneuvers invented?

I’ve a theory about this. White male privilage can bestow extra powers in order of those they would fuck. The higher you are on the fuck chain, the higher the privilage. It’s like giving breadcrumbs in order to foster betrayal amongst others (same as those rich asses talking about class wars, they won but to ensure

If you’re that worried about it then switch cases to an open case design. Easiest and probably less costly than trying every fan.

So lust in hell = blueballin’?

Err, no offense but it was a pretty safe bet to do a wakeup uppercut type move. Granted I’ve not played much SF5 but if you look at the lifebars and super attack meters, the Cammy had no real choice but to rush in. Guile having more super meter meant that he could launch a couple of cancels or ex attacks to tick her

Really hoping for a Xenogears remake (with fleshed out 2nd disc!) or a real Chrono Trigger sequel.

Happy to see Megalobox here as it’s easily my top pick just for the old fashioned aesthetics alone although I’ll argue it’s more along the line of 70's and 80's anime style (character designs are more early Gundam, Macross, Galaxy Express rather than Evangelion). I also have to admit that Megalobox probably has my

And hearing scrooge Mcduck was such a treat

For me the game went from good to on my fav list with the rhyming pirate battles and that song! You know the one, where we’d surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an orange