
Lol, logged in just to say this and posted right after you.

This is the moment when you realize the hypocrisy of having your new kinja player autoplaying vids on the front page...

It’s funny to see you talk about Burnout Paradise and how you use to play it. I’ve regularly played Burnout Paradise ever since release but I hated races and challenges. All I do in that game is cruise around and go sightseeing. I do that a lot in real life too but traffic always gets in the way (there’s something zen

McDonalds tangy BBQ sauce is great for making homemade taco meat. You can also substitute it with Diana Sauce if you live in Canada (note, Canada used to have a different blend of McDonalds BBQ sauces than the US and it tasted even better but now they’ve switched to the same recipe as the USA).

He desperately needs an editor to look over all his work. I still remember him arguing with readers a very long time ago because readers wanted/needed punctuation in one of his early articles.

It’s a Tim Rogers article, easily my least liked video game writer ever. He’s a self professed hipster that tries to sound more intelligent than he actually is.

Lol. An entire country built the biggest greatest wall ever (read in Trump voice) to keep this dick out.

I have to echo most of the people here. I absolutely loved the game except for the story. The story itself was drive here, shit happens that nobody can explain (and thus is totally boring) get new power, rinse and repeat.

Screw Scrooge, if they really wanted to excite the gaming audience with a “Disney” character, put in Sora or Rikku from Kingdom Hearts.

Not a fan of numpad notation as it’s based off of the worst control scheme for gaming. Hell most games are now WASD if it uses keybord controls. Numpad is also only good for looking at a 3 character max input directions. What is a newbie going to pick up on? 360 or 63214789 (don’t kid yourself saying it’s the second).

No, it’s obviously very hard. Just because you think one way does not mean another person would think that way.

I wouldn’t label these games horror as it does a disservice to them. Emotional trauma is probably a much better discription. Even if a game has super natural influences to them it’s really not horror. It’s like comparing Nina from Full Metal Alchemist to Freddy Kruger or Jason Vorhess. Sure they’re all monsters but

It’s GTA, one of the most trolliest games ever made. Somehow this feels right although the way they circumvent the restrictions is not.

But how much would you pay for a real fake Fat Cat?

Now playing

The “Naruto” run actually makes sense if you consider the time period. I can infer from another Kotaku article about how people in the middles ages walked in which it was toe first and not heel. Has to do with the difference in footwear.

OK, fine, went to SE store, 10% off for some 2B goodness, ordered. Looked around some more and saw this...

So far they are the same thing only one has updated animation while the other is more classical in animation style

Kino is female but is trying to pass off as male. Except for a few people along the way, everyone belived Kino to be male. See my previous post

Technically Kino is a girl but tries to pass off as a male due to the inherent dangers of being a lone female traveller, especially early in her career before she became a one of the strongest known marksman. Kino isn’t even her name but the name of her “mentor” which was the major plot twist (along with her gender

This is where one can miss cords on a controller. The good old ball and chain. Take the cord and swing it side to side until controller is totally broken. Can also be more modernly called Hulk and Loki or puny god