
@Strife Fox †: Agree with you on this. Character creation is unimportant to me in a traditional RPG. I want my town's, classes, cross-over equipment, puzzles, engaging characters and that sense of wonder and excitement that unguided exploration brings

@StrategyMonk: Mass Effect 2 is a shooter for those of us that suck at shooters

As I told my friend, "FFXIII is an RPG, just one for the ADD"

Ahh, I asked this question before in comments now I have my answer. Sony should have never taken out the install other OS because the implications of it being used for piracy are small potatoes considering the amount of them sold vs. the slim.

That monster would not last 1 second in one of those eating contests. What would be funny is not the concept of a "burger beast" but the ethics arguments people would have if they existed!

Stop making things to steal my money and space! <

Of course someone paying me a million dollars a year would be a big incentive too

@Ogbert: I know what you mean, worst 2 starters ever. I think they are just out of ideas

@haihn7: More like after. That was the first in a series of pics where she went to making out in the buff

You have Butler to thank for that Sony!

@Franky_AAA: That pic was part of a group that was part of a small time scandal in which she took it off completely... so yeah in a way she doesn't know how to wear that swimsuit in a way I think you'd agree that she knew exactly how to work it!

@ExploadingAlah: I'd like to point out exception to the rule exhibit A: George W. Bush

@Alastair-: I want the battlship. Doesn't matter how much money you have if I can blow you to kingdom come!

@Giggers: Democracy is a sham though. All it does is placate the general populous into not rebelling against the elite. There is still an elite, it's that 1% of the population controlling 90% of world wealth.

@SophT: Depends on which area/dialect of Chinese. Some do have the r/l thing as well

@Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.: I Kinda agree. I can't tell if I am proud or ashamed of their government at times. You have to remember that a majority of the people are still uneducated so any take on populist democracy can ruin the country very quickly.

This sounds more like mindshare to me. Being in the industry, mindshare is what pop-ups first in mind for people answering. That said, i looked at the region breakdown in the top 10 and am scratching my head a bit. Considering how small the North American population is vs. areas in Asia I think they probably used a

@rich8606: Sorry but Greek/Norse gods used to be religions as well. Death to all Jesus and "God" and Mohammad I say!