
@slim934: If you want to get some practice, plan a vacation to Thailand or Singapore or Hong Kong for a few weeks.

@battra92: I agree with you! More than 1 or 2 in my entire lifetime is a no but this first time ever in NA just screams for me to buy it.

@Archaotic: It used to for me until I figured out it's only western women. I'm practically dating 3 foreign women right now although I've kept it casual.

Good read Alex!

Jazz, best transformer ever! He was my absolute favorite followed by Ratchet

I'm on my bed, ready to fall asleep while gaming at a moments notice! After I move out into my own place next year this will change.

@Akisazame: Actually he didn't get much input after FF7 or rather FF:SW (the CGI flick). It was a demotion based on the poor performance on that movie (alhtough it eventually made a small profit after all the DVD sales were counted).

You have my support Bashcraft.

The heavy armor does look better BUT story-wise, the unarmored version makes more sense. Paladonia was only with Aegis in her unarmored incarnation. Orpheus was her armored Persona

@Shiryu: Same. The only title I'd get was Atelier Rorona but calling a day "Geekageddon" without a new Super Robot Wars for the PS3 in Japan seems wrong on so many levels...

@almasy919: To me, Lost Odyssey was the new Final Fantasy. Why don't people understand that FF died when the Gooch, Amano and Uetmatsu, stopped working together on it?

Usually subs. Only time I would take a dub is if the dub voice acting was good and fit the premise better. Say, if a game is set in France, I'd prefer voice over to be french over Japanese or English. Metal Gear dub was perfect because of the better believability of having english in America over Japanese plus it was

This has happened to me before.

@Diode: Raiden! Taboo broken!

I hate 3D glasses being a guy that wears glasses himself. Glasses on glasses is hella uncomfortable.

@misplacedcircus: Do you even know what "sampled" means in terms of market research? Me thinks you don't

Just go for the simple "3DTV enhanced". Anything else might not describe to the "average" non-tech guy. We can worry about making a cool "in" name later. Or just make it simple like "3DTV-E". Most will think the E is extended or enhanced naturally and both work in context.

@breadofwonder: They really need to do an Okami graphic style game with Amano drawings. The art technique and technology is there now!

Should have shortened it to the Sony Nav! Hey Sony, listen!