@Arc-: I'm with you on that one
@Arc-: I'm with you on that one
@psychobaka: torrents would like to have a word with you
@Witzbold: I have to go the no-buy route. I just can't reward incompetence like this. If they release all the cut stuff I'll buy it but as far as I'm concerned, Sega can go the way of the dodo and have some competent localization like Atlus pick it up.
@Chester Coat Sleaves: Double the Acanac statement. Though the 19 dollars is a 1 year promo price only. Techsavvy is good too.
Here in Canada it's worst. Both major companies have imposed strict limits. My old account was $60 Canadian for 90 gigs. I have since changed to a slower connection of ADSL from cable at $35 unlimited per month but the big telephone company (Bell) wants to shut independants down and impose limits on them too.
@willyt9: Damn, beat me to it too. I was gonna say it's the perfect POV for that kind of thing
@EvilTaxi: I stand corrected then. Thanks for the heads up
@HowIsYourFlat: Oh, ok then, carry on
If the story is as WTF as Drakenguard/Drag-On-Dragoon was, it's a sold for me. I can tolerate mediocre gameplay for stories that make me go WTF.
@Captain K'nuckles: I agree. Frame rate is important though admittedly it is not as important on RPGs seeing as they are not twitch games but stuttering is more visually annoying. Consistency rules when trying to suspend disbelief.
@HowIsYourFlat: Actually, no. The cutscenes are better because of blu-ray yet the XBOX 360 has smoother gameplay frame rate.
@Pornosaur: That is conjecture at best. We are talking 1080P video files here (not polygonal rendering). That takes up a crap load of space and there is a reason why we don't see 1080P DVD movies...
@MooglesInMyFace: Higher resolution textures take more disc space as does better audio and video encoding. please don't speak in the future on this stuff as that is extremely basic.
If they do make this.. please let an actual Asian play an Asian lead and not some Caucasian....
It's a trap!
@dracosummoner: Oh, god, I had that problem the other day too. For some reason the article was about Mirror's Edge but every time I read ME I was thinking Mass Effect or Windows M.E. -_-
Pet peeve here. With the acronymnimization (is that even a word?) of names, I always get confused between Gears or War and God of War when people type GoW.
@Viic Viiper: With monotheism and runaway feminism :p
"...establish Kratos as a "man's man" who got what he wanted"
@Lonesnipa: Netscape would like a word with you