
@Nicoffeine: The problem comes from if a person that does not have an internet connection then what? While probably it won't be on the scale of RRoD, or bricked systems, the fact that consoles are getting computer type problems are problematic don't you think?

I always thought it was a modern retelling of Pochahontis

@skitzogreg: They are all strategy games but different types.

@Souloni: Yeah, that's correct, you can only use a unit up to a certain number of turns but you can always create a new one. You don't really have to level up your characters much though if you play your music often. As you progress in the game, the units you can create grow stronger automatically.

@Curiously Flamboyant Sheep: For 1.00? Wroth it! Normal price? Absolutely not. It's more or less a simple flash game and fun to mess around with.

@Boomaga: Only Song summoner is like that. The others are different types of strategy games that are real time but very simple.

I call BS. The true nature of the Hostess club cut was probably the feel of "prostitution" even though no sex is involved.


I hate civ. I absolutely hate it. It kills me that another is coming out. Both figuratively and perhaps literally one day. Civ is my hardcore drug. That feeling of "just 1 more round" turning into many sleepness nights.

@Guru Smooth: Nightmares can actually be fun like that

@Madpotator: oh god, those pink elephants. I remember poohs nightmare giving me nightmares as a young'un

@Dreamwriter: Ultima wasn't really open world. You were restricted by levels. Narrative was pretty non-existent as well. There are very few open world RPGs. Just because you can't see the barriers, doesn't mean they aren't there.

@Rakuen42: Has nothing to do with how well a game sells. Other than Bioware, there is no agreed upon western "RPG" experience . Elder Scrolls series and Bathesda in general has split gamers just as much as the current FFs.

@Dreamwriter: You obviously never played the game to world of ruins.

@GtheMVP99: IMO you don't need world maps as long as you have some feeling of exploration. I liked FF10 because it was one big world that I could explore. 13 does not have that vibe with the cutting out of towns and whatnot.

This whole linear corridor thing is what I dislike about it.

Can't say I'm all that sad. Too many band games when there only needed to be one. Rock Band is the only good one IMO. Saturation is not good for the bottom line. I think Apple will learn this with their iTampon

That picture, my games, is that you masquerading there?