
@battra92: I still can't get through WW. I find it incredibly boring. I've tried 4 times now to play WW and just can't. TP and OoT I loved. Hated MM though

@Andrefpvs: Oh man this thread is epic!

So pre-ordered!

@D-K: The only problem is those darn statuatory rape clauses when drunk girls are involved...

"buh-dunk" or "buh-dink" is how i sound it.

Capcom vs. Nintendo?

And suddenly the world returns to normal.

@bwwardiii: I second this. Make the hardware durable and good so I can be playing my xbox 360 games without fear of the more than occasional crashes, hang-ups, RRoD and E74's years from now

@ExZ: It's club the seals!

@sugardeath: Oh right, my fault. I learned my lesson this time and will not be betaing Natel for MS.

@Deilgyre: Unfortunately I forgot the timeline for warranties and could not get my 3rd replacement for free. Still Xbox 360 defects Sony ones. I won't deny that the original PSX was POS too but the original 1000 PS2 was OK (a 3 in 10 return/broken rate within 2 years as opposed to a 6 in 10 return rate of first run

@sugardeath: Good because I don't find having to replace my Xbox 360 2 times (that's 3 systems) all that funny.

I was never a fan of these new fangled motion controllers from Sony or MS. It should have been saved for next gen rather than beta'd out this gen. I realize due to the crap economy and Nintendo's success that they want to capitalize on it but this just won't fly unless it's out of the box. While I agree that this gen

@Dodge2002: Depends on your Xbox 360 model. More CPU load = more heat = more E74/RRoD

@sugardeath: MS does not test. See windows/Xbox 360

One thing that has really made me happy is google maps + gps on iphone.

I have classical and metal on my iPhone and it hasn't self-destructed yet...

I just looked and there is another SE game just released (or I'm retardly slow), Hills and Rivers. Any info?

@zerothelegend: I liked the game but it was marred by technical problems plus you could never get 5 full unions.

It's probably a final fight character. You can see Haggar statue in the background.