Anyone remember the funky Rad Racer game for the Famicom (not NES, the Famicom, JP version with plug-in glasses)?
Anyone remember the funky Rad Racer game for the Famicom (not NES, the Famicom, JP version with plug-in glasses)?
My current (read I've owned 3, all replaced by MS) is starting to wonk out. It won't RRoD but instead freezes and has disc tray problems.
I don't know if this was a term paper but it sorely needs editing regardless. There are a lot of ideas and there are ideas that need more transition than what was given.
@WonkersWatilla: I have to agree. There's at least 3 topics in this piece that need to be broken down further and given proper attention. As is, there's too many random jumps and leaps that lack a proper connecting/transitional idea.
Shaken baby syndrome anyone? #wii
So basically the next game Miyamoto is gonna make will be about providing slave labor to cute yet evil, vicious and lazy overlords #shigerumiyamoto
There is another factor... time. As a kid, I strived for perfection in my games, be it maxing out my guys in RPGs or getting the highest score possible in an action game. Nowadays, I just don't have time for it anymore. In addition to owning a lot more games now than i could have ever dreamed of as a kid, I simply…
/cries at being Canadian #uncharted2amongthievesfortuneh...
Did anyone consider that her heels are two heads high? That takes her down a bit but she's still tall, just not freakishly tall. #bayonetta
@serotoninzero: I pay $60 Canadian for what amounts to < 2 meg connection due to throttling (they advertise 10 megs but my tests beg to differ). My maximum data transfer is 90 gigs per month. #steveballmer
@serotoninzero: You're one of the lucky ones then unless you're paying through the teeth for fiber optic or T1 connections. Rest of us are stuck in <2 megs connection due to throttling. #steveballmer
@chenry: Nope, not in Canada anyways. The CRTC just allowed internet companies to throttle data streams of high bandwidth users. For example, my bandwith is advertised for speeds up to 10 megs/sec. However with throtteling and not using p2P (just downloading movie files) my bandwidth drops to less than 2 megs and is…
Will there be optional installs? I don't like mandatory installs but I do enjoy optional ones since i have a huge 500 GB HDD for my PS3 #finalfantasyxiii
It's probably just promotional fluff. 1 Disc for the game, 1 for the blu-ray making of and 1 for the soundtrack. #granturismo5
Rape! Yeah, I had to say it. #assassinscreedlineage
Considering in Silent Hill the first thing you do is get killed by babies, then spend the rest of the game hitting dead baby corpses with a 2X4 'cause they creeped me out (making sure they stay dead) I think this is a bit passe. #dantesinferno
Since they're making up new characters now. I wants me a mystic SSJ1-4 Gohan!
No thanks. I'll pass until 2 things happen. 1) Price drop, 2) UMD game transfer.