
@Impreza_AWD: My major was IT but I was a few credits short of a double major with social science/philosophy as my second (ran out of money to study so i joined the work force).

@LordChris915: You're obviously not reading if you think I called you a BNP not that I know or care. Birth rate is not increasing in any first world country other than the US currently.

Here's an educated view (I studied the declining birth rate of 1st world countries in U).

@peacefuloutrage: Actually, there's a simple way to look at it. In the past children were an asset, an extra pair of hands to do work with and generate income. Now, they are a burden, you feed, cloth them and get nothing in return.

@LordChris915: That doesn't even make sense. Birth rate != immigration rate.

@JenJenRobot: Really? Sagat, Ryu, Rufus, Boxer would like a word with you.

@Crimsondramon: If anything, it's the ultra system itself that needs to be nerfed. Outside Ultras most of the characters are fairly well balanced with a few tweaks here and there.

Lie on her lap while she cleans your ear (20 mins 1,500 yen, 40 mins 3,000 yen)

Picture 19. 4th person. I can recognize that non-asian pirate hair and beard look!

@BigBossOgryn: I completely agree. What ruined it for me was the whole monsters level up as you go system making the whole thing one big "draw" fest. It was a different type of grind but it just seemed so experimental and more suited to a SAGA game than a FF.

@BigJDawg319: Valhalla Knights is hard and slow. It's like Monster Hunter / Phantasy Star Online type of deal. It's OK but not spectacullar. BTW there is a part 2 on the PSP already out and the Wii version is out in the next couple of weeks I think

@ChonieRanchito: They toned down the blood in Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma from the 360 version. Which i think is better for me because i found that kinda distracting (not a big gore fan and it ruined No More Heroes for me)

@SuicidalEarthworm: You obviously haven't played the 360 version. Same complaints and Itagaki worked on that one.

@deanbmmv: I dunno, we can see from the movie Waterworld that if the polar ice caps do all melt and that land is a scarcity, we can assume there will be more pirates!

Aha! I have it!

aiiiyaaa~ me no understand la~

Oh, god, please some psychiatrist psychoanalyse her drawings NOW!

my local store sells them 39.99 CAN NEW!

@PaxtonAstypalaea-Prime: The you've never visited message boards on news sites (actual news sites, not "gaming news" but political /economic ones) nor have you ever played an MMO I take it?

I'd laugh if every reviewer in the industry and beyond said Rock Band Beatles was great except for that awful scene with the Wind on Apple corps.