@thesinginghatchet: And it's people that consider bad art to be "high art" that makes an oversized canvas of 3 horizontal lines worth about as much as 1 year of my salary.
@thesinginghatchet: And it's people that consider bad art to be "high art" that makes an oversized canvas of 3 horizontal lines worth about as much as 1 year of my salary.
@PaxtonAstypalaea-Prime: The problem w/o announcing the use of sarcasm in a post on the nets is that it gives an out to anyone who says something stupid and is proven wrong only to say later it was sarcasm and it shuts down all logical flow and arguments.
@AndrewG009: right, because i talked about a sarcasm detector in my post... waitaminute
@BryanGuitarDude: No offense but do you know her reputation? She is infamously hard to work with so unless you want to piss millions of dollars down the drain you don't piss her off (pun intended). As for her being an artist... I'd say she is a critic who's ego got to big by managing to somehow marry one of the most…
@PaxtonAstypalaea-Prime: right, because sarcasm which uses voice inflections translates well over the 'nets.
@White-Sharingan: Besides, that's the real fun of any Turtles arcade game: fighting over who gets to be Leonardo.
I really don't get the fascination with digital distribution. Until we all (yes, ALL, AAAAAALLLLLLL once again for those of you with your head in the clouds) have blazing fast Fiber Optics and no bandwidth cap, DLing even a CD can be painful.
I had it worst. In school and at home, I was taught to use my right hand instead of my left.
I want the tracks as DLC or at least an export option. I hate having to switch between discs and games for what is essentially the same game. I want my tracks to be in one place so I can make a set list I think is fun or at least use it as a juke box.
Despite the preference for Raph from the creators, I still think Leo should be considered P1.
Just for laughs, here's an actual rock concert of them...
@angry_gamer: That's JAM project ><
Gong project baby. The group that does theme songs for a bunch of anime and of course SUPER FING ROBOT WARS!
I actually liked Last Remnant but I can see where the criticism for the game falls. First and foremost, it's shoddily coded. As a concept the game is great, it's the technological execution that really sucks.
After the Wii, I find it hard to care about motion controllers till they present a very compelling reason why I would want it badly. I have my PS3 eye and it hasn't gotten much use at all. Sure it's a fun gimmick to throw out at parties but in normal use? It's nothing more than a dust collector. My Wii gets regular…
*snort* "snausage"
This is one of the very few times i gotta give it to the English dub. The english dub is very well done but what really puts it over the top is the varied accents. Accents give characters a familiar if stereotypical flavour. Just compare Metal Gear Solid on PS vs. the GC remake and even though many of the same voices…
Any FPS and pure sport games. Also, Chrono Cross.
Actually, I would enjoy a GTA game where the focus was not on violent crime but straddling the line more. I'm not a fan of GTA at all except for just running around but giving life to the city via buildings is something I'd go for.