
LOL hey, there's one of my companys studies!

Please voices. The 1st and 2nd didn't have voices so they should do that (getting the same actors from the 3rd and 4th if possible)

Why vote, can't they just do the right thing and just print out a reversible cover?

LOL, have you guys never seen Shoko's cat head eating exploits before on Kotaku?

This should also be a note to Sony, please lower the price of the PS3. Yes I have one but if you really want to stick it to MS, you really gotta bring more people in.

@minivolt: minivolt is right. The language and culture is not the problem but the way the French majority and Quebec government hold laws on culture that is awful.

@blackswordca: That and equalization payments. The continuing threat of separation then demanding payments is what bothers and irks the rest of Canada.

Well I think this is a case of "The grass is greener on the otherside".

@Brad Meine: But are you even more allergic to poverty (points if you know where I'm paraphrasing from)?

@Brad Meine: That is weird, as mentioned, recent research has proven the opposite (although older "folk" as in farmers and such have known this for some time.) Maybe it's pesticides?

@AlbenoEpiX: What he said. The human race never got cavities until we invented agriculture.

If it's just a rash then I recommend giving a little at a time to him. You eventually build up resistance to foods you're allergic to if it's a minor allergy.

Please note the above chart lists unknown match-ups as 5-5.

Does it "blue ring of death"? :p

Morrigan - bartender

While the top of the list is near indisputable, the mid and bottom of the list sucks balls.

Getting this song in would probably be another step into getting the Touch in as well. Ahhh sweet nostalgia, making things seem better than they really are (not that it's necessarily a bad thing in this case).