

@Izanagi: If I was allowed to I'd punch nuns for fun and priests and any religious "holy man". Yeah, I'm very anti-religion (or at least anti-religious figures)

@JonC: Yes please, no more black Mark

@Ad-hominem: The placement thing isn't as bad as you make it to be. I cleared the game fairly easily. You basically went with a T formation 3 characters in the front (usually main, goofy hat and choice of character who for me was Ellen), Nanjo in the middle and Mary in the back.

I can attest to this study. Proof? Hundreds of dollars in broken controllers!

@d4ng3r0u5: There can be only 1 Batman. Yeah, I'm bored so just geeking it out on this post to kill time @ work

@ Crecent

Darn, guess someone beat me to sending this stiry (else the link would've been [ctv.ca] where they have an online poll about this darn study).

It would be a real treat if on the Wii version they had Luigi as a playable character.

You know your getting old when you consider owning a mini-van...

@relic1980: This is sound advice unlike most of the early adopters who think anything new shines like gold

@SunKing: Your processor, motherboard and OS has to be able to handle the extra ram first. You need slots on your MB with the correct RAM type as well as a processor that handles 64 bit (this is the biggest limiting factor in computers today since when you hit 64 bit, lots of legacy items will go ka-put)

@mzo: You know that it's because of unloading of various drivers and starup utilities. You could get the same results with a formatted and fresh install of Vista...

@oolz: Not exactly, while drivers in general caught up with XP, there are a lot of legacy things that do not work with Vista. In other words, the drop off for legacy was greater between Xp > Vista than it was for WinNT4 > XP

@Neil Allan: If you're able to run 64 bit windows of course it will run better than the 32 bit ones with applications that support it. Try comparing something closer like XP X64 or Vista X64 and you'll see the the truth

@Skunky: ME was a bastard 2.5 yearer and even then most would say it was dead out the gate.

@NigelEurotas: Most current estimates have it pegged @ 2010. Also Fahey isn't exactly someone that has beta tester written on him.

"the plunge" is still about 1-2 years away. Let the beta testers dot heir thing and don't worry about it for now.

Ahh, I remember my favorite gaming party. 3 TVs, All the systems from NES > Xbox, Heroclix and more meat than a steakhouse, no beer though, just about 20 bottles of various liquor.