@Witzbold: Agreement here. I just hope that the fighters are balanced. Capcom V. SNK 2 was just a terrific fighter all around and perhaps my favorite (out of all compilation series, hell it is my favorite traditional 2D fighter).
@Witzbold: Agreement here. I just hope that the fighters are balanced. Capcom V. SNK 2 was just a terrific fighter all around and perhaps my favorite (out of all compilation series, hell it is my favorite traditional 2D fighter).
I wonder if the PS3 version will have both English and Japanese voice overs....
@Archaotic: What really makes the series for me is voice acting. No voice acting and something feels missing.
@stiltskin: My PS3 gets played more only because for cross-platform games I always get the PS3 version. Exclusives however ( <3 Lost Odyssey) make the 360 my console of choice for the average 1 system gamer.
@DioBrando: LOL. Amanda Bearse. Damn Married with Children
@Oyn: Darn. Still generic anime but better than what we had ><
Oh crap. Didn't realize that the NA version got the same crappy box art as the JP version. I mean look at it. The in game cut scenes were all generic anime style but the box art looks like generic TOR fantasy book style.
That isn't musk, it's geek sweat!
BEAT huh?
@Moonshadow101: I always think that in a Democracy, people should be voting for who they hate/dislike. Thing is, people are clearer about what they dislike (and more pro-active about it) than what they like.
@subnet6: That's what i said too.
@Proteus Zero: Except people here are mistaken overrated with overhyped...
@QualityJeverage: To be fair, there is such a thing as overrated. In sports terms it's paying a player far more than when another player does better but for less.
@avenger339: Amen
@Shteve: Thanks, finally someone I can agree with!
@220: What you're too busy doing is failing to see the "whys" behind the subject and typing in overrated to mean overhyped.
@TRT-X: And why do you think they were overrated? it's because you allowed yourself to be bombasted by media hype and not playing a game for what it really is.
@tzaketh: Not being ironic. Maybe it's because I avoided about 90% of pre-game hype as to avoid spoilers.
@Enderet: and where are these games overrated? Hi check metascore, see, not perfect! reconsult [dictionary.com]
@Antiterra: Problem still persists. Most of all the great PC titles this year are also available on consoles.