
Yeah that list makes me angry! I have to wonder what the heck that guy was thinking? None of those games were overrated (over advertised or overhyped perhaps). Dude, overrated means that the games are supposed to be big ass failures when they were meant to be the second coming of Super Mario Bros.

Damn straight. There are so many games that I just can't afford them all in one X-Mas stroke. I skipped out on many good games just cause i don't have the money or time to play them. I also know that the games will drop in price very quickly (in less than 4 months) because publishers still insist on releasing games in

Ahh that brings me back. I remember singing "Never gonna give you up" during Robo's theme way back in the 90's.

To anyone that still actually cares, here's a link to a good article that helps explain a few things.

@rich8606: Except studies have shown Asians/Orientals can't really tell each other apart if just shown the faces and instead use the old standbys of what is considered beautiful (which is similar across all oriental nations, big eyes, lighter skin) and apply it to their own country of nationality.

@PulpZero: I can't see blues working considering the basic of blues instruments are brass and piano and Rock Band is guitar and drums. Same reason why hip-hop does not work (electronica and synthesizers is not represented well by guitar and drums).

As I've said before, there are orientals that resemble both. Some of the comments made by the JP posters are indeed borderline offensive as in the orient, bigger softer eyes are a sign of beauty no matter which part of it you go to (the Kimchi/soy sauce comment).

You can blame Freud for all this. He turned everything sexual.

I broke down and bought GT:WT last week as there was a sale on the set. I tried, I really really really tried to play and like the game (I even bought all the DLC for the game) but found myself back to Rock Band 2 a few days later.

@manocheese: Pretty much what he said. Firefox alone is great. It's the plugins that cause errors.

Have not been a fan of KoF since Playmore took over. I still buy the games cause they are 2-D fighting games and they are usually cheap. A few people like playing it. I have to say though, the KoF games are really unbalanced (and buggy) and I'm not a fan of the poke game play that is KoF.

@PsyComa: Agree on all fronts. Burnout Paradise has just been the game that kept on giving. I feel I owe it to them to support them by buying the DLC now. BP has been a great game for when I just want to kick back and relax. I really don't care for the racing portion, just the exploration parts. I do the same with

@wildhalcyon: As others have pointed out, it already has.

@Komrade_Kayce: Same here. Worked in Canada retail for long enough. Never ever saw mass grabbing of stuff save for the tamagotchi craze. After that crap, everyone realized lining up was much better than making a mad dash for stuff.

@cio: It's coming. The PS3 version will come with dual voice tracks (JP and EN).

China huh? Methinks the guys are getting restless (due to lack of the fairer sex).

Definite geeksplsion. That geek in me is green with envy.

Wow, guess I'll have to make an Uno purchase.

@Kaneda: Agree with Burnout paradise as well. With all the updates the game has gotten and it's low price point and the fact that it was made with the PS3 in mind (then ported over) it deserves to be on this list.

Me thinks Thompson just likes to see himself in the news regardless of good or bad, true or false.