
Sorry about your diabetes diagnosis, that’s rough. On the plus side, it’s something that’s generally manageable, and better to know about it than not! But it’s something that takes attention and energy, and in the stupid US healthcare system, I understand that without medical insurance insulin is a stupid expensive

Yes, this is very important investigative work!

Really it’s more of a pitfall for the anti-choice crowd. The anti-choicers who pretend they are reasonable and humane by saying, “Oh, but I think exceptions for rape and incest are acceptable,” are actually just admitting out loud that they are against abortion solely because they want pregnant people to be punished

What device does this guy use when he wants to have sexual intercourse but is unwilling to become pregnant? Should that be outlawed?

Somehow I missed Angela Merkel with the birds when that happened, so thank you for bringing that to my attention! It is perfect! I’m a parrot person, but yes they are assholes who need no excuse to bite. Instantly understandable image.

I saw the Evergreen ship and truly thought to myself, “Why is that here? That wasn’t this year!” Wow, it was March 2021. How is that possible?

Ditto on “pro-immune system”—this should mean you are pro-vaccine! Your immune system is not going to feel very well supported when it gets swamped by an unknown attacker that it’s received zero training to combat. It’s going to be like, “You KNEW about this thing? And you didn’t think to WARN ME?!”

Thank you, I was stumped on that.

I saw her do standup live a while back, and she had a joke as she transitioned from doing a bunch of Jewish-themed jokes, which went something like,

Wait, like brushing butter onto dough? Not sure if that’s what you’re describing, but that’s a technique used in a lot of recipes for a variety of baked goods.

I was at a party ~5 years ago where the Domino’s had come to room temperature, and it was inedible. And I’m easy when it comes to cheap pizza—I’ve never been at a party before with any pizza brand and not enjoyed the salty greasy cheesiness of it all. It seems that once the grease on Domino’s congeals, there is

The thing that has finally gotten me to like working out is Beat Saber in VR. The Oculus Quest 2 is $300, which is a lot but not compared to a Peloton or boxing machine, and it’s convenient because it’s standalone, so you don’t need a computer or anything else to hook it up to. I just stand there for 30-45 minutes

Yes! I like this song! I remember well the OC scene and the SNL skit. I was recently on a long car ride listening to random stuff on my phone that I’d forgotten was there, when this song came on. It was on the 2007 Grammy Nominees album, which I apparently bought on iTunes back in 2007. Why? It’s a mystery! But I have

I’ve now done the annoying task of looking for photos of Aldo and Paolo Gucci. It’s hard to find photos of Aldo when he’s young, but I think I found one and, like, he’d be one of the “hot ones” in a room of congressmen. In photos when he’s the age that Al Pacino is playing him, he looks like a typical old white man,

Would have been better if he’d said “tiny little half-Asian babies” to be accurate. But assuming that’s what he meant (he must know they’ll be half his...), then his statement is just simple truth*, and a cute expression of his enthusiasm.

Geeky, generally more inclusive than the other major broadcast networks, and geared toward young adult audiences. They have a niche and it works.

Hey! Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was the best comedy of the past decade. That’s an objective fact.

Bleh, sounds like she’s a pain. Like, if that article made her feel good (I hope by making her more understanding?) about trans people, then I guess that’s some progress, but it’s pretty ridiculous and presumptuous for her to want you to read it. Not to mention the Christian aspect of it if she knows you aren’t