
Lindsey Graham is confusing the confirmation process for the Supreme Court with an actual courtroom. Maybe there is not enough evidence to get a warrant or bring a lawsuit against him. But he isn’t on trial. He’s interviewing for one of the most powerful jobs in the country. If you’re hiring someone for a job, and you

I remember in middle school and high school, I would only answer the teacher’s questions if asked directly—never if they asked the whole class. I had learned that if I got the question right, the other kids would make fun of me for being a know-it-all, while if I got it wrong, they would make fun of me for being a

I might add that not only should the bra match your skin tone, but it should have *no sheen.* I wore a flesh colored bra under a black shirt when I performed in a choir at Carnegie Hall. In person and in the mirror I thought I looked fine. But there are flash photos of me from the night where you can clearly see a

most girls including one-third of boys say that

That’s true, though there was another president who ran using a slogan with a four-syllable nickname. So maybe in some cases, four syllables can be catchy.

If it was about looks, it wasn’t a dig but an unearned compliment. SHS wishes she looked like Ann Dowd.

Yes. Mongooses are cute, and they’re little heroes in India, but they need to be eradicated in Hawaii.

I think it’s more that plants you eat are also dead and decaying and can also have crazy chemicals. There are lots of good reasons to be vegan, but if your issue is with the idea of “I had death in me,” that’s kind of unavoidable for us heterotrophs.

I’m just picturing a stressed-out parent, with poop on their face and a crying baby peeing into the air, reaching for a diaper to find that photo and thinking, “Yes, next time, definitely.” It’s basically an advertisement for abortion.

Agreed. With the right makeup and styling she looks OK, but once she starts moving her mouth (and I don’t mean that as a snipe about her talking—all the Trumps move their mouths as if they’re lizard people who aren’t used to human teeth), the Trump shows right through the plastic surgery.

I thought she killed him because he was abusing her mom. But the show was a long time ago and most things after the first season weren’t so memorable, so maybe I’m misremembering.

Probably meant the mortality rate of people affected by each mental illness, rather than the mortality due to the mental illness out of the whole population. More people die as a result of depression, but there are more people with depression. Google keeps finding me different indices for different illnesses (e.g.,

Haha, the map for the eclipse is like a big FU to North America. Puerto Rico and a tidbit of Canada get a glimpse, at least.

I’m sorry about your dad, that’s so hard. I have a friend whose father was about 60 when she was born, and to make things worse, her (much younger) mother was estranged from when she was still a little girl (elementary school age at the latest). So she went through her father’s decline and passing in her 20s, and

Yeah, he’s definitely just trolling. He uses the word “excoriated,” making his high school (maybe middle school?) English teacher very proud, but then complains about nouns and adjectives as being college material, making his 1st grade teacher weep.

For what it’s worth, a lot of us who went to grad school regret that decision. Grass is greener, maybe, or maybe it’s that everything has a chance of working out or a chance of sucking.

I was going to say something about Ivy League schools that give out full need-based grants (no loans) with minimal work-study hours, but then I remembered that that’s not an option for everyone and that I’m not an asshole.*

I’m so sorry :( He looks like such a fluffy sweetheart.

Hmm. Yeah, Kinja can do ʻokina. No need for the apostrophe.
