I still don't buy he "accidentally" gave up his parental rights. I think he had no problem giving them up and refusing to pay child support when he thought his ex was going to be a single parent to their child. When he found out their child was put up for adoption, THEN he wanted her back. He stated multiple times

Sounds like the "sorry you're offended" flavor of half-apology. If they made an attempt in earnest to recruit women speakers and failed, well, fair enough. But they should have understood that as their failure, and perhaps taken a moment to aim their critical thinking skills on solving this problem. Instead, they

Yeah, REAL scientists stick to Google Plus, where no actual people go!

They literally had binders full of women that they asked to speak.

"As scientists we have no other choice to accept reality" aka the status quo.

My college roommate was notoriously cheap and once ate nothing but pineapple for like a week because he bought a ton of it at a way reduced price because it was about to go bad. He ate so much pineapple that the acid literally started dissolving his esophagus and he had to go to hospital, and after that he couldn't

Hi, RLT_LA. Old Mawrtyr here. I like the fact that there are Smithies expressing concern for her comfort and well-being. If she is a frosh and naive, this could be a wonderful moment for her and for whoever can explain that wanting a group to socialize with and wear Lily Pulitzer doesn't mean you need to be official

Yeah women are a minority. Women are a minority of Presidents who've been elected by the United States of America. Women are a minority of U.S. Congress members (we're like, how many congresswomen now? 18? out of how many?) Women are a minority of CEOs. A minority of managers of any kind. A minority of people running

Go the fuck away you disgusting shitbag

Stop responding this to MRA troll

Honestly until someone in the Tumblr comments claimed to know her, I assumed this was some kind of straight-up (hah!) joke. I sincerely hope she will be treated with compassion and she learns from her mistake, because really? Most of us, at some point, have said something stupid and learned from it. Smith has the

Smith alumna Emily Gilmore does not approve

I wonder if men's universities have disappeared due to lack of demand being greater for male-only universities vs. female-only universities. Idk, there seems to be more of a desire by women to be in women-only environments (for safety, for avoiding harassment, for a different environment, etc. etc.—women only gyms,

Minorities need minority spaces because everywhere else is a de facto majority space.

For what it's worth, excluding gay women is clearly against DG rules, and hopefully the national org wouldn't let this woman even get close to starting a chapter after this. (see page 129). Also, weekly photo shoots? Kids these days...

I I have no problem with the fact that she is "unlicensed." But I have a serious problem with the fact that she is "untrained." If this was a registered nurse or a doctor who decided to run an underground program in abortion medication to help out women in areas of the country not served by Planned Parenthood, I

Absolutely. Please, if you want to donate, folks, donate to the National Network of Abortion Funds, or your local abortion fund.

You can also find your state's abortion fund and donate there.

These wealthy families have obviously not read enough Anthony Trollope to be wary of educated, cultured, young women who are looking to improve their stations.

I think they haven't thought this through. If they think a master's degree qualifies you to be a nanny, and they want their children to be inspired to get master's degrees...I wonder how happy they'd be to have their own advanced-degree-earning children working as nannies?