Thanks for putting my story in with such good company! I feel so validates, since I met with a bit of disapproval when I first did this. It’s all good now, though. We even had our story and a photo in the (now, sadly gone) DIY magazine Ready Made.

By proposing, you’re not taking anything away from him. You’re giving him something. And he will still have ample opportunity to make grand romantic gestures to you.

I proposed to my husband. It was great!

So true. I think that explains a lot of the fascination with them.

I don't know. However, I think that they are more of an institution than a household. They must have offices, for one thing. And they must have staff, including security, and they take up space too. Also they have to entertain appropriately, and generally have a lot more STUFF than you or I. I think of it more like

Me too! In fact, I didn't even get new folders, I just kept re-using old folders or ones sh brought home from work that had corporate logos on them.
We weren't even poor or anything, she just didn't buy new things unless she really had to. Which, come to think of it, is probably why we weren't poor.

My dear daughter "wanted to" (as in, I suggested it and she was all, sure!) be a doctor for her 3rd halloween. I was so proud. By halloween #4 she had gotten the memo, and wanted to be a princess. Demanded to be a princess. I worked with her, nudged her around, we ended up with "cowgirl princess". Now we're getting to

We named our daughter Sofia in 2008. We almost didn't name her Sofia because it was such a popular name. And then we thought, well, that would be a real stupid response on our part. It's a great name, who cares if there are a zillion other Sofias? Her middle and last name are very unusual, so at least she'll have one

Oh god, reading "degrading nights at the PVTA bus stop" just brought be back so hard to bad times in 1995, traveling between Smith and Hampshire.


Ugh please. Not Hampshire. A townie would be better.

Thanks for your post, I'm glad to hear that it's not all torches and pitchforks over there.

Probably a coincidence, but the woman who wrote that hilariously hateful viral email to her sorority sisters earlier in the year was also a DG.

I can only hope that I live long enough to see a movie version of Hogwarts: A History. Even if - ESPECIALLY if - it is as long and dry as the book is always made out to be. And the little short film before the movie should be fake trailers for a movie series made from Gilderoy Lockhart's books.

Oh, that would do me in, too. My dad used to sing that to me, and I thought that he just made it up. It was years before I heard it elsewhere and after thinking "what - these people know my dad???" realized that it was not his song.

Now playing

Jettgirl28, I only clicked that link because I was all, pfaw, what beer commercial could make someone cry?

Because women who don't want babies, but then end up having them anyway, cost the federal government money. Save money by providing free birth control.

I have always been thin (or at my heaviest, still not fat) and I've never felt shamed for it. I suppose I've been told to eat a cheeseburger before but (speaking only for myself, of course) I did not find that either painful or complimentary, just rude and weird. Very easy to shrug off. I have noticed that I get a

I run a program for high school students, and those who aren't on Facebook are out of the loop. That doesn't mean that they HAVE to be in the loop, or that the loop is fair, but still. I try as an administrator to make it unnecessary, but it is backfiring and I will probably give in next semester. For example, the