
No comparison to Playstation Vue? Which despite the name, doesn’t require a Playstation at all and has worked better than Sling for me.

The message the fighter jet was intending to deliver is already received, loud and clear.

This kind of crap is more terrifying to me than any Zombie movie out there.

I'm more upset by the song playing.

Now playing

I really like this one for espresso drinks.... just add hot water, easy to clean. consistantly makes 2 shots

I'd have appreciated a wee heads-up that the video on the Aeropress wasn't exactly family friendly. My 8 year old was sat next to me as I was reading this post about coffee machines. I expected a video about using an Aeropress, which wasn't exactly what I got ...

"Why You Shouldn’t Buy Anyone a French Press"

I like how the "if you're lazy" option is the only one where you actually, you know, leave the house.

On Android, I like whatever came with Cyanogen Mod 5.0.8. It's clean and simple. I tried Weather Bug and The Weather Channel, but found that they ate my battery for breakfast.

Any other browser such as Skyfire or Dolphin Browser HD will allow you to change the user agent in the settings easily.