
If you want to play as a dinosaur you may also want to check out this game on kickstarter right now https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/13796… It boasts the most scientifically accurate dinosaurs out there, so thats pretty rad.

Oh hey, I thought my work might pop up here haha

Dinosaurs are about as closely related to lizards as we are.

The game you seem to really want is a dinosaur life simulator. Might I direct your attention to a game thats exactly that called Saurian. check it out http://sauriangame.com/

If you think most of the bosses in bloodborne look like werewolves, you didnt play very far into it. The bulk of the bosses are nightmarish alien beings.

I never went to school with him at the same time but I went to the academy too. Was neat to see him start getting a lot better. Would meet up with him at GDC and the like.

I bought his first book in swedish last year. Its so good. I just pledged to the $250 tier on this.

I never understood people like you. Just because I dont really idealize them doesnt make them ugly. I find most of the interest in life is in the imperfections.

People have asked me to do the ralts line a lot. Honestly I’ve just never been into any particularly human shaped pokemon. I like drawing things with tails and big teeth :P

Thanks buddy!

I mean would you have really preferred I had made gastly a ball of smoke, because thats dumb. Jamie(catandcrown) is a friend of mine, I bet he will be grateful for your preference though :P

Oh hey thats me, thanks buddy :)

Hey thanks dude :)

Wow, this was a great surprise to wake up to. Thanks so much for featuring my work again :)

The real time was probably about an hour, which is pretty good for a finished nearly full body lineart. You also have to take into consideration that he doesn't draw daily anymore and his current job is that of a director. He is more than likely a bit rusty.

As a working artist, I can firmly say that you are wrong about his work being lifeless and mechanical. He may have plateaued as an artist as he took on his primary job of director, but he is still one of japan's top character guys.

I'm working on my rayquaza design right now

I was always so excited to see when he did a new model from my designs.