You could do what my company is doing an leave it up to the managers. I WFH now, but some people cannot due to low productivity or choice.

Benefits of not driving to work:
1) Less gas
2) Less time wasted in traffic
3) Less stress
4) Less wear and tear on my car
5) Crappy coffee at the office (I make my own which is infinitely better)
6) Less laundry (we only 2 loads a week as opposed to minimum of 4 previously when my wife and I were both going to the office)

It’s a strange thing to say that we shouldn’t fire the non-productive people because they’re liked, so instead let’s decrease morale for everyone else that’s productive. It’s work, not a social circle - get rid of the bad apples and everyone is happier.

And the gas from that driving.

So, fire them. Across the board productivity went up by all metrics during covid/WFH.

The reward for good work should not be more work. 

WFH scares the crap out of middle management because it made the world realize that there is not as much of a need for them as we thought. If employees get more work done at home without them breathing down their backs, then companies don’t need as many managers. 

Aside from not being interrupted by walk ups all day when wfh, I save on 13 DAYS a year of driving time. 13 days. 

Everything he says is bullshit. Dude has worked on 20+ books of stuff as editor and contributing writer since 2011 when Dance was released. I’m glad Wildcards stuff is still being released...but seriously, it’s not like most people would notice if he stopped doing all this other stuff.

I can’t wait for the day he dies, so I can plan a trip to dance on his grave. Wearing golf shoes.

Conservatives on January 6: “Trump says he didn’t do it. Trump can run for President again.”

Please join him, Elon.  

Conservatives will find ANYTHING to hate and be afraid of no matter what it is or where it is.

Here’s a better photo of the damage from Independent

He should be criticized for his work, and his identity is inseparable from that criticism. What’s concerning is the implication that he shouldn’t have ever been hired in the first place because he was not Black.

We’re getting to a pretty concerning place if non-black writers are never allowed to write black characters. There’s attempting to address imbalances and then there’s race-gating, which feels pretty gross.

Miles was created by a non-black writer and he never felt inauthentic.

The comic—What If...? Miles Morales—was met with backlash over writer Yehudi Mercado’s inauthentic depiction of the character, while also fueling concerns as to why Marvel would, at this point, hire a non-Black writer for the comic in the first place.

Sorry that price is TGH (too goddamn high).

Yemini wrote on Twitter that PRGuy “hides behind his fake profile to defame ‘political opponents.’’

You’re being too easy on Yeminem.
He’s also a junkie, a stalker, has boasted about killing kids, hire’s a fake “bodyguard” who faked his suicide online to “own the left”, shamelessly grifts and scams his followers and has tried to use fake press credentials in the past to try and avoid scrutiny.

I’d never heard this before, but honestly whether or not it was intentional or not doesn’t really matter. Even accidental foreshadowing is still foreshadowing.