This guy’s behavior is highly suspicious. In one interview he claims the album cover ruined his life, and that he’s suffered unspeakable trauma because of it... but every couple of years he posts a picture of him re-enacting the album cover in a swimming pool, which probably buys him a couple minutes of fame.

I think the reason so many of us aren’t really talking about climate change is because we’re fucking tired and hopeless. We’ve reached the point the characters reach in the final act - we’ve talked, we’ve advocated, we’ve “raised awareness,” we’ve supported politicians we thought would do something, and we’ve realized

the movie feels like Idiocracy for our current generation, but with a fair chance to be in mainstream conversations.

https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/university-loses-77tb-of-research-data-due-to-backup-error/ reports the main secondary storage is 24 petabytes. 77 terabytes is about .32% of that. If you have a one terabyte drive in your desktop system, you can lose .32% of it, 3.2 gigabytes, by accidentally throwing

Something something redundant backups? Seriously though, that’s a lot of porn research to lose.

How many “Batman Without Batman” TV shows does this make?

At first I thought “What a dumb idea to release these a month after Christmas”, but then I realized they probably saved a lot of kids’ Christmas mornings. Imagine being that kid who asked Santa Claus for a PS5, and on Christmas morning they opened a hot pink console cover instead, because it was all their parents

America is the dumbest country on earth. 

While the blame is being placed on rich countries withholding vaccines from Africa, let’s not forget the anti-vaxxers and world-wide political foot dragging as well.

That this is styled as being “almost shocking” (i.e., that people don’t realize how much CGI the show uses) goes to the point that I’ve made over and over again: people don’t hate CGI, they hate bad CGI.  Modern films and movies are constantly using CGI in all sorts of subtle ways that most people never notice.

It’s one thing for a person to say “I just don’t want to pay for the service necessary to watch the show”, but “I am paying for the service necessary to watch the show but two days before it was set to premiere, it was dropped entirely and now I won’t be able to watch it legally at all for several months” is another

I’m not endorsing piracy, but honestly, shit like this is a major reason as to why piracy still exists.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me...

It would also obviously have a major impact on the pandemic, as OSHA has estimated the rule will prevent 6,500 deaths and 250,000 hospitalizations among workers aged 18 to 64 in the first six months alone.

You know what I just realized? And good for you for using Hook because it’s a perfect, and I mean perfect example of what’s happening here in both the comment thread and the article:

I think this article misses one of the biggest challenges for such a system: