Yea I’d say there are definitely bad actors, and they should clearly be blamed for this. This is not like a meteor that nobody could see or deflect. We’re a year and a half out from the stuff of the pandemic, now on the 4th (?) wave, and more than 6 months since most adult Americans have been able to get vaccinated.

I’m trying to understand why .

Ivermectin absolutely has side effects. Big ones. It just doesn’t have serious side effects when given at the proper doses and with the human version (namely, its “inactive” ingredients and carriers).

Don’t forget the dirtbag lawyer who worked on the case.

Sadly, ivermectin doesn’t seem to have significant side effects. I wish it did (well, sir, you can take it, but it’ll cause massive cock rot...) because people might actually then, ya know, not be fucking idiots about this.

We are so fucked.

That’s a relief, to hear that sanity has prevailed, but it should never have come this far. The first judge’s order was a massive slippery slope, essentially ordering doctors to do something that went against what their state medical board requires of them, administering a treatment with significant side effects to a

Millions of Americans are refusing vaccines, but are willing to do anything to take medications promoted by shitposters, conspiracy theory promoters and right wing propaganda outlets. Because, sure, the same government that is telling them to get vaccinated is actually hiding the REAL cure for COVID-19.

Simply stated, there are no bad actors in this case.

It sounds like the hospital did administer Ivermectin to the patient?

Whatever attorney appeals this decision should just copy and paste your post (giving full credit to you of course, along with an array of prizes) and hand it to the judge. Case should be over in about 30 seconds.

Yeah, there’s no way this is legally or medically ethical.

This is the equivalent of me giving the sibling of one of my patients a script that says “get out of jail” and expecting a judge to honor it.

As a nurse I’d be in contempt because I would refuse to administer the drug, I wouldn’t trust the stupid ass wife to not sue everyone’s ass when he more than likely dies and my judgement would be called into question for administering it. If no physician at my facility, even the hacks I wouldn’t let touch me if I were

These idiots will put anything in their body other than the COVID-19 vaccine, won’t they?

Actually,adult toddlers” - my infant is reasonably compliant but my toddler ain’t having any of it

I’m starting to think these right winger conspiracy types might all be petulant, contrarian adult babies

I would be in jail for contempt.  Maybe not for refusing the judges order, but definitely for calling him a fucking moron and a danger to himself and others.

Anyone else constantly laugh at right wingers taking whatever random junk with absolutely no research to prevent covid instead of one of the extensively studied, tracked, and proven vaccines?

IKEA gets a lot of shit, but if you take a little time to assemble things properly, it’s as durable as anything that costs five or six times the price.  I have IKEA stuff that has migrated cross-country a couple of times and that’s still in good shape.