My experience as a physician is that nobody really understood HIPAA and MTG doesn't understand anything at all, so this is the perfect storm of arrogant ignorance.

Can we see this in the real world?

Honestly this guy seems like a piece of shit.

He could have lived his entire life as a wealthy dilettante. Drunk on a yacht. Dating models no matter how fat and old he got. He chose this bullshit path.

Giant underground tunnels in an area that is one of the most flood prone in the country...what could possibly go wrong with that idea?

“You know you’re shaking things up when they come after you,” he said.

They’re out there, the owners just haven’t shown up on Jalopnik because they’re (generally speaking) not total morons.

And I thought I would see this first installed on a camper van, not on the hood of a Prius

Well, see, that’s the thing. Morons don’t know they’re morons.

From what you can see in the photo looks like he has just run bolts straight through the feet on the dish stand to fix it down, so clearly this is no engineering genius. A cheap set of roof bars would have solved this and saved the bodywork from nasty holes. Not to mention the ticket and internet fame of being a prize

Right? The problem wasn't having a satellite dish on his car, it was having it ON THE HOOD obstructing his vision. 

The most surprising part of the story is that it wasn’t on a Tesla

Dude couldn't figure out a roof mount? Come on.

You’re right, I’ve never seen a novelty plate with “Arcanum Five” on it and believe me, I’ve looked *every* time.

The Alexas of the world now know how the Michael Boltons of the world feel.

Changed ours to Echo. It works well, and very rarely gets accidentally triggered; no idea why it would be considered, “impractically common.”

This doesn’t surprise me.  As a bisexual man, I don’t expect Disney to do much for LGBT representation.  It’s nice when they do, but I’m not going to ask for duck l’orange at Arby’s.

TPM is required? That’s gonna be an issue for a lot of desktop users, it’s often not included on the mobo and requires a daughterboard if supported at all. I know I had to purchase one for my z270 board, and thats just a few years old at this point and otherwise meets all the specs for windows 11.

I downloaded the System Checker, and it says my system isn’t compatible but won’t tell me what is missing.

Somewhere in Texas a couple is having a bitter, heated argument about the thermostat right now. Might cause a divorce.