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One thing I didn’t get to in this article (but hope to discuss in future coverage of X-57) is that the planes had a few different mods it’s been working through. With each mod, they’re testing some different elements. In Mod II, that involves adding motors piecemeal and testing how they run on the ground.

Obligatory ...

Because in the age of twitter we all need to have an opinion about everything and make sure everyone knows it. 

Why do people who are not postal workers have strong opinions about postal worker trucks?

This feels like one of those things that’s going to be cute, briefly trending, not as practical as one might hope, and then shortly revealed to be a massive security hole in your phone where photos of documents and objects are being sent back to god-knows-where.

I call BS on the outrage. They added a repo to a highly used and loved open source IDE. If you really don’t like it, remove the repo. I get a lot of Linux users hate MS, but just remove the repo and move on.

Why does he even feel the need to bring it up in relation to this camera lens if the comparison doesn’t hold up?

After finally adding a swivel screen to the A7SIII they got rid of it again.... what are you doing Sony???

Is a mirror on the lens really going to let you frame a shot the same as seeing what is actually going to be captured on a screen?

I feel like the reverse situation happens way more often (getting a more specific gift card for something you don’t really want, or to someplace you aren’t crazy about). Whereas an Amazon gift card is basically like cash at this point. For that situation, Cardpool works great.

I feel like the reverse situation happens way more often (getting a more specific gift card for something you don’t

I have an iphone and an ipad but shit like this is why I stick with a PC. It’s my machine. Keep your grubby mitts off of it.

As soon as installing programs on your own device got a suspicious sounding name, I presumed its days were numbered.

God forbid Apple let their customers use the device they purchased as they please. 

Certainly not fucking 2/3 of their customers. GTFO. You can’t get 2/3 of people to do fucking ANYTHING, let alone all pick up a phone and complain about something so stupid (even if probably 80% of the customers are stupid and Trump supporters).

Bullshit. No one asked them to block anything. This is the owner.

Jokes on you, this is a coin commemorating George Orwell and the state sponsored fact that Tripods have always had four (4) legs.

Comcast has the best solution with their xfiniti crankmote ®.

I own a CueCat. I picked one up at my local Radioshack circa 2005 and used it to create an MP3 player that didnt rely on display....

There were two modes: append or replace. That was the only diplay on the oak case I created for it. You scanned a UPC on the shelf of CDs i had and it played it; front to back. In append

Let’s go ahead and get this one out of the way in case any fanbois show up.

It’s an 80's Hollywood take on what a 2020 truck would look like.