wait... the tendon rupture one. You said it could happen months after taking the pill. How can they 100% say that it’s caused by the drug? I mean, I took an advil, and then stubbed my toe a few days later. Was it the advil that caused me to lose spatial awareness of my toe?

While it is true that there is an established relationship between tendon rupture and fluoroquinolone (FQ) use, the incidence (the number of new cases) of tendon rupture associated with FQ use is extremely low. The incidence is estimated at 12 per 100,000. This risk is greatest during the first 90 days of those taking

Most power companies have a process to apply to to prevent them from cutting the power due to medical conditions. Of course, the power companies intentionally make it a Byzantine process.

they said in the article they have a large family. why didnt they put her up in one of their homes until her power as restored?

shitty on the electric company though. 

How in the heck do you get sunscreen on the middle 2/3 of your back if you don’t use spray sunscreen? And don’t tell me to ask someone else to apply it; I live alone. Spray sunscreen is the only thing standing between me and skin cancer all over my back.

We’ve been using rockets since forever. Isn’t there by now, a template rocket makers can just copy and get it right the first time?

Having the finger print scanner back in the front would be a bonus. As if you have your phone mounted in a car mount you don’t typically have access to the rear scanner. And inputting a code some other way is more distracting IME.

Anjelica Huston wasn’t just “one of the witches”, she was the Grand High Witch of All the World!

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I am pretty sure I saw an Orville episode about this mob mentality form of justice....

so basically they’re both whack jobs and both sound vindictive and neither can be fully believed. Thanks.

Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?

There’s some data on a disk on a rack on the back of a bus sized cylindrical tank at the bottom of the sea....

Photos or it didn’t happen. Who doesn’t take a picture of the skyshit covered car?