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    Minor, but driving me nuts: it’s “ZX Spectrum,” not “Spectrum ZX.”

    No Calvin Klein? Go to hell.

    No Calvin Klein? Go to hell.

    I’m also size 11, 4E. My typical shoe-shopping tactic is to go into a store, seek out anything with the “WIDE” sticker on it, and simply try to find one that doesn’t look like an old folks’ orthotic. I’ve had luck with Skechers; they tend to have wide shoes, plus box toes (makes it that much easier), and they look

    Is this even a planetary gearset, though? The balls don’t appear to be affecting the center component at all. It just looks like one ring spins the balls, which in turn spin the other ring, and the balls themselves are stationary. That works on the same principle as a toroidal CVT.

    If it were a planetary gearset, the

    I can get behind the point on black levels, but the “corrected version” offered up looks massively oversaturated, and constantly so. That would get fatiguing to watch for long.

    Much obliged for your support and dedication.

    Now playing

    Status update from the FBI after searching for damning evidence amongst the emails:

    Sorry, Oculus, but you’re too late. I was willing to keep your app around even though I don’t really use it just on the offchance that I might. But all it takes is a screw-up like this and you’re gone, which makes the chances of me ever reinstalling your software rather slim. You screwed up, and after finding out

    While I completely agree that the stench of public urination is disgusting, as someone living in Philadelphia, I can assure you that there are almost no publicly accessible restrooms in the city. Hell, we’re just lucky to have the handful of porta-potties scattered throughout the gigantic Fairmount Park. But in Center

    It seemed like a rather long time between seeing and hearing the explosion, so just for nerdy fun I timed it, then grabbed my old thermodynamics textbook for its atmospheric tables in the back. As it turns out, it seems the camera was ~14,000 feet from the rocket, so that’s a hell of a zoom.

    The first time one of these articles showed up, I was like “Not my thing, but whatever.” But then there was another, and another, and another, and now it’s constant. Just as in real life, if vaping is your thing, then that’s fine; just go blow your smoke somewhere else.

    Gawker should make a dedicated site for vaping. It should make all the vapers happier, and would be nice for those of us who get tired of seeing this stuff on a tech blog.

    Facebook App: Just like the website, but now you can’t block the ads!

    Another thing, and this is the first time I’ve noticed it in any of their videos, they finally seem to have done away with that silly nonsense where the robot would constantly lift up its legs even when standing completely still. That always made them look goofy, but this new model sure is slick in its movements.

    Reading through the comments, I feel like I must be the only person for whom this has never been a problem. I can’t recall ever losing entered text because I hit backspace. At first, it just seemed like another completely useless change, but I guess it makes a big difference for some people.

    I live in Philly, and we’ve got both of these chains. Regal is usually a little more convenient, but AMC has some great morning pricing on weekends. Also, AMC pretzel bites are better, and that’s one of my favorite parts about going to the movies.

    Though, both chains suffer from the same problem: the customers. No

    And one big drawback that it shares with the mobile app in comparison with using the normal desktop site: only one open conversation at a time, in one gigantic pane.

    Though, I suppose you could have multiple windows/tabs, but then things just start to get cluttered again. I miss the days of dedicated instant messenger

    This sounds less like a matter of coming out with a power-efficient drive and more a matter of switching interfaces to USB-C, which can provide a lot more power over the connection, which is much less of a story.