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    Am I the only one who saw the original photo and took it for what it was: mild surprise at seeing a woman with a highly uncommon amount of facial hair?

    The author here says "The mind of european_douchebag was SO INCREDIBLY BLOWN by the fact that women have hair on their bodies"—but this instance very obviously isn't

    It's a neat concept, but I'd rather see it integrated into a pot. Or at least give it longer tines. Those little six-inch spikes don't inspire much confidence. I'd imagine even a single decent coat making that thing fall over sideways out of the typically-loose potting soil.

    Completely off-topic, but why the heck is the text in this article so freakin' big? Is this yet another awful side effect of switching to Kinja?

    Well, halogen lights currently meet the standard, and they're incandescents. Also, I've read about some companies experimenting on the more familiar incandescents—altering the material of the filament, etching it with lasers, etc.—that achieved greater efficiency, though whether those are cost-effective are another

    Well, yeah, I get why something like this would be featured in such an article, but I don't know why anyone would need to do it in the first place. At least class it up and use keyrings or something. There's just something about wripping the tops of soda cans and using them that seems so trashy to me.

    I'm sorry, but using soda can tabs? I suppose that works, but man is it tacky. Why not just hang one hanger around the neck of the other? Accomplishes the same goal and you don't have little pieces of garbage everywhere.

    Just to clarify, the wingtip vortices are always there, not just upon landing.


    The government didn't take away your right to buy bulbs, and they didn't ban incandescents from being produced. The ONLY thing they did was set an efficiency standard, which isn't even all that high. How manufacturers achieve that goal is entirely up to them, even if it's with a slightly-improved incandescent.


    I really hate when sites do this kind of thing. Change simply for the sake of change isn't something you should strive for.

    I understand you wanted to add some features, though their usefulness is debatable. I get that, I really do. But why is that ALWAYS accompanied by a huge amount of other changes that only make

    ISDN? T1? T3? Yeah, a bit old, but then again, dial-up is on the list...

    Except that you're forgetting that all that "glam" is done on the GPU, and when you disable desktop compositing and switch back to the old style, you're offloading all that drawing work back onto the CPU, while the GPU basically sits idle, except to act as a frame buffer.

    I like Luigi Colani's other wacky aerodynamic truck design even better, even if it is exceedingly impractical.

    Seriously, the worst typing test I've seen, short of typing completely made-up words.

    "I just scrolled through every single one of this acquaintance's pictures."

    All the time! I use it as my browser's homepage. I find that I often like to search, but I also like the simplicity of the Google homepage, rather than being bombarded with articles, piles of tiles in a grid, etc. Just a simple search box and a colorful logo, sometimes with a charming picture or mini-game.

    I just don't see how you could not know, short of being willfully ignorant of the situation. At any rate, it's certainly not frontpage news that Facebook has privacy controls. Frontpage news would be something about Facebook's Graph Search, and then just have links to the multi-year-old information about how to

    My position is that if it's new, then by all means alert people. But when it's something that's been around for years, the only reason not to know is willful ignorance.

    These sort of controls have been in place for a long time now. I fail to see how this is news. I don't know about anyone else, but I've been tailoring how things are shared for a while now—some things are public, some things I only want friends to see, some stuff is fine for friends, but I don't want family to see,

    If you think that anyone who went to college during the smartphone era is in any position of power as engineers, you are sorely mistaken. We're lucky enough if we can get anything at even the lowest levels in these big aerospace companies. You need to add a few decades to your age estimates. It's more along the

    How did you come across my photo? That's awesome! :D