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    I can understand why they went to v4 for back-end reasons, but they really should've tried to keep things as similar to v3 as possible. As a user, the change to v4 is when I saw the largest exodus. They eventually re-added in some of the old functionality after widespread complaints, but by that time many users had

    The new Digg looks moderately pretty, but that's the extent of the "good" that happened to it. Gone are those things that attracted me to Digg in the first place. There's no discussion on any of the articles; there's no way to dive into a specific sub-topic for stories; hell, there's not even a history to look at

    If you didn't like the thick line of the G2 before, I suggest going back and taking another look. Lately I've been buying G2s, since they have a version (not sure how long it's been around) that has a 0.38mm tip, which makes some very sharp lines.

    So, you're saying that no one has a reason to look up directions to a park?

    I can't say as I've ever run into this problem. For me, the clippers always first lose their springiness, so that the handle just flops around and tends to fall off.

    First thing to pop into my head: Johnny Cochran's "If the gloves don't fit" analysis.

    If they're gonna charge that much, couldn't they at least have made it out of aluminum? At least make it feel premium if you're paying a premium price...

    I basically stopped reading at "Metro is mostly optional."

    Skimming the pages, it looks like new-condition 8GB models are selling for $200-300 (yikes!), and the good condition used ones around $100.

    Yeah, thought it's more expensive than I'd like to spend, physically bigger than I prefer, way more space than I could ever need, plus it uses a mechanical drive.

    Free iPod Nano? You'd have to pay me to take one of those pieces of junk.

    Well, let's break that transceiver into its parts... If it has a stronger transmitter, then it should be able to overcome the interfering football signals, and hopefully the other air traffic equipment would have this as well.

    No, but it's analog radio. If I can hear what you say, there's a pretty good chance you can hear me, too. It's not definitive by any means, but I don't even like the thought of the slightest possibility that a plane trying to land could be subject to interference from some trivial game.