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    Fun factoid: part of the explanation behind this comes from the fact that there is no "si" in traditional japanese, only "shi." Or at least, that's how it's usually rendered. There are a few of these that break the mold, another being "chi" in place of "ti." So while they may be able to say "Siri" and know it doesn't

    You've got a point about the unifying style (that's why I figured they did it), but then again, I'm really not liking what I've seen of Metro, so round corners for me. :-P

    Another free utility that's surprisingly good and easy to use is Microsoft's Image Composite Editor. As far as generally laying out the photos, I actually find its results more pleasing than Photoshop's built-in panorama utility. If there's a lot of motion in the photo, however, Photoshop does a better job at

    Completely inconsequential, but I just noticed that they went back to pointy corners on the windows, despite using an Aero theme. I know it doesn't affect anything, but I like the rounded corners more. It just seemed more refined. Oh well...it wasn't broke, but they still saw fit to "fix" it.

    Thanks! It's just odd that nobody seems to be addressing this aspect. The most I've heard is a casual mention of the taskbar in the traditional desktop mode being able to span multiple screens.

    One matter I've not seen anyone cover at all: how does Metro handle multiple screens?

    You know, I've always wanted a Canon L lens to fall into my lap, but now I'm reconsidering that wish...

    "Unfortunate"? Hell, reverting back to the old Explorer, Task Manager, and Start Menu is PRECISELY what I'd like to do. It would be nice to have all the under-the-hood improvements of the latest version of Windows without having to put up with that blasted Metro UI on the desktop, and all the hoops that entails

    First and foremost for me: an option to permanently disable that blasted Metro UI. It may work fine for tablets, but I like to do more than just tickle my computer (besides not having a touch screen on my desktop, like the vast majority of users). I'm not happy with simply being allowed to load the traditional

    Interestingly, this is similar to how a lot of these instruments are crafted in the first place. It's not easy to get all those intricate bends without having the tube buckle, so instrument makers freeze a soapy water solution in the tube before bending it.

    That's what I'm saying. It's probably just a theoretical technical capacity, but the lady in the video goes out of her way to make the point that they'll be releasing a 2TB version of that flash drive, which is simply absurd.

    I know the lady quite clearly makes a point that it will hold 2TB, but I simply cannot accept that. Unless there's been some super-secret breakthrough in flash technology that has eluded my attention, the chips necessary for a 2TB drive would be bigger than that stick is. So, if such a large drive even existed, I'd

    No, but it was mentioned as one of the strong alternatives 2 and 3 days ago for both Windows and Mac (losing out to Chrome in both).

    If you're going to only spend a little bit of money for a toy tilt-shift effect, why not buy one of the LensBaby lenses, instead? Their cheapest model is $150, but you actually get to control the effect, and since it's a separate lens, you're not locked into always using it with your camera. (Yes, that requires a

    Well, in photography, it's all about focal planes. With a normal lens and camera, you end up with a 2D plane parallel to the camera's sensor/film where everything is in perfect focus. In front and behind that plane, things begin to go out of focus. A (true) tilt lens lets you play with this plane, so that you can

    You're not alone!

    Gotta agree with @Noise. It might be the largest gunship we have, but it's still not massive by a long shot.

    Well damn, so it is! For whatever reason, I didn't catch that you were replying to that comment, so I thought you were just commenting on what you wrote in the article. Sorry!

    I'm running a stock Motorola Droid X2. It had this behavior when I first bought it, running Froyo, and it continues the same behavior with the Gingerbread update.

    "Massive C-130 gunship"? Umm...C-130's are medium sized at best. Nothing massive about them. Perhaps the author is confusing this with a C-5 or C-17...