I remember Gawker or Gizmodo doing an article about that, and I followed the instructions and I still get phone books. Although I might only get one per year now instead of three per year. I'll keep at it. Eventually they'll stop. Like, when laws are finally passed.

Yay. Less make-believe garbage in my digital mailbox, but why can't I stop the tree-chopping, environment polluting, landfill clogging garbage that appears in my physical USPS mailbox? Also, the next person who leaves a phone book on my stoop is getting kicked right in the scrote.

I've been using Post-Its incorrectly: According to the ad, you're supposed to post the Post-It, *then* write on it.

Will I still be able to get my stock scores and send photos of the kids to grandma?

KM: How did you pull off the classic AT&T "Thank you for using Kevin Mitnick" recording?

Sure. There's at least one single good reason: My veterinarian's office has a land line. His office can't text. Ta-daa.

I disagree with your authoritarian assessment of ellipticals as "loser cruisers"; no machine or exercise is the ultimate complete machine or ultimate complete exercise.

Well, if you're anything like the average gym patron who makes use of the elliptical equipment, you're probably too entranced by your iPhone/iPad/mobile phone/MP3 player/DVD player/bucket of chicken/electronic cigarettes to perform enough cardio to necessitate a fan.

So is this one of those space photos where the thing you're looking at doesn't actually look like the thing you're looking at? I hate those kinds of photos. I mean, I guess Mars looks looks kinda neat, unless it's like one of those photos of a nebula where you learn that the ACTUAL image was run through all sorts of

You mean "typos".

Being able to see sexually flushed might prove useful for dating. But we're gonna need a sexier style— It kinda looks like Terminator X's shades banged some Oakleys.

I agree with you, StoutFiles. I realize its impact and import, and appreciate the visual accomplishments too. But when my gf and I sat down to give it a whirl with the best of expectations one eve, we found it to be a little on the snoozey side.

I don't know if the blazer is classy, but I think we should begin the conversation with the lime green shirt, gray slack-shorts, and dress shoes with no socks. Homeboy is rocking the "I got locked out of my apartment— naked— and these were the only clothes I could steal" look.

Is this a real problem that occurs in the real world with intelligent adults who are discriminating about the quality of friends they keep?

Was pretty sure it cost more to water my tomato garden than I was saving by growing my own tomatoes. But you just can't beat the aroma of tomato leaves...

Yes! In a Playboy or a Oui magazine comic strip I saw when I was a kid, a professor type was ruminating equation x + y, which, (in his thought bubble) turned into a woman's form, thusly, but with a curvier "x". Needless to say, I failed at math from that point forward.

Then I'd guess everybody should call aluminum "aluminium" since that's what Sir Humphry Davy settled on.

Great observation! I never noticed that, but I did (sadly, for the first time in all these years) just notice that Chevy also drops the pennywhistle (?) through the conga stand at 2:32. He's getting a lot of mileage out of that joke.

Oh McDonalds... Remember when we were all LOL about too much polystyrene?!

Oh, I don't disagree with his argument, or his message; I disagree with his condescending methodology, because if you lead with, "you are flawed," your argument is shit. Lead with facts!