It was an honor being pwnd by you, good sir. Thanks for the info; I will never doubt you again. :D
It was an honor being pwnd by you, good sir. Thanks for the info; I will never doubt you again. :D
I'm no electronics genius, but I am a little skeptical that 8 AA batteries could power that horn. Something about amperes, I'm thinking, and how AA batteries simply could not produce the proper current to power this thing.
Ah yes, the premise of the classic Far Out Space Nuts, which I've never seen.
So North Korea will be the first nation to launch a Marshall stack into space? Rock on!
Does the material fog up when you get *too* hot and heavy?
This dude is totally auditioning for a commercial deal. "Freia Fruktnott?! WAAAAAAHAAAAAAA HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
The .88 Magnum is the only gun you'll ever need.
I think you answered your own question.
There's also no such thing as a brontosaurus, I learned a couple of weeks ago.
Have you seen the people who wait in line for fifteen minutes at Costco just to save $2 on a tank of gas? Apparently, their time isn't worth anything, so yeah, they'll stick around.
For the edification of others, this ancient doohicker is called the Antikythera Mechanism. :)
Does the manufacturer guarantee that if you use this, you will *not* look like a total cock?
Hey, Tempurpedic peeps, how does sex work on a Tempurpedic or generic "memory foam" equivalent? Yeah, yeah, I know you do the deed, but how do you account for the lack of bounce-back? Is there any sort of learning curve?
Sweet! I loved it when they were all driving around in the Shellraiser.
The first step should be revised:
"After wearing the glasses for a period of a few days, it totally flipped my brain and I saw upside-down forever." - George Stratton, 1896 **
I'm sure it's not, but I'm hoping that this turns out to be the transitional species that will finally satisfy Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort.
I'm a Borg man, myself. I've always been a sucker for chest and forehead veins.
I don't know enough about architecture to correct you, Atomic, but since many of Wright's designs seem to suffer for major leakage, I wonder if maybe we're ascribing too much genius to his art. The Hollyhock, Fallingwater, the SC Johnson Admin Building are examples of his leaky designs.
If the Hollyhock House is a fair example of his architectural squillz, I bet the doghouse roof leaked like a mu'fu.