If you're starred and you reply to a troll, you "promote" the post. :)

What are scientists shoving down your throat? If you disagree with the current understanding of the origin of man, you're allowed to contribute to the scientific process. You just have to follow a few established rules.

She's cute, fun, and great, but I tuned out at 1:15. As for drinking games, I've never understood the need for a cutesy pretense to get rip-shit drunk, and I can do it in far less than an hour.

When I see people walking and texting, or walking and phoning, (especially in a bustling metropolis, and at night,) all I can imagine is how amazingly easy they would be to mug. Where are all the criminals when you need them?

Good notes, all of you. I appreciate the feedback and the thought exchange. Can't reply to all, but I'm reading each of these responses for my edification. Thanks!

Okay, so you face contempt of court charges. What's the max sentence for contempt vs. embezzlement? (Edit: Aw shoots. t3hwinz said it before me. Forgiveness please.)

Main man is HUSTLIN'! Extra kudos because I have a huge fondness for systems, and this guy has a system!

I'm not sure I would be very comfortable or happy in a relationship where I was forced to suppress normal human sexual behavior from my significant other. :)

I've always wondered if people who believe in conspiracy theories tend to believe all of the conspiracy theories, or if there are some conspiracy theories out there that are just too ridiculous for their tastes, and if so, how do those theories not make the cut?

You win, @theaceplaya!

Man, that's a lot of shooping. Fun exercise, though.

Aw man! Finally I can be a Mummenschanz!

Agreed. An obscure shortcut. And ctrl-shift-enter for .org.

Perhaps, but that's how the best conspiracy theories get started; by taking chances with logic. :)

That "HELLO" was not written by a doctor; it's totally legible.

I see it. And the name "Rocky," one could argue, might be a nod at "Barack."

"VCs in the back seat?! Get my rifle!"