
9 is pretty great, and well done.

@Gigus: Ashamed that i read it instead of playing it.

@Gigus: Valkyria is really interesting. There is absolutely no sense of agency or control whatsoever outside of the battles. The story is told via an episodic book device, and about one or two episodes per chapter are battles.

I just finshed MGS3 for the first time, so my initial craving at my stop in Videogames NY today was to pick up MGS4 and dive right in, but with classes starting Monday I figured I'd take it easy for a bit, so I picked up Katamari Damacy instead.

@favian: yeah, this definitely wasn't just a trailer, since it was part of a larger showcase I understand why it was long, I just still think it could've been cut down in general.

@LordThayer: I think a lot of it is honestly cultural differences. I think these titles might fit a lot better in Japan. Duodecim or whatever that is for the new Dissidia I feel like is a good example of that.

@favian: I sympathize with your point about it being a "showcase," but I've worked on assembling and editing trailers of games for game companies before, and maybe it's just my personal preference for trailers to stay short and sweet. I honestly believe that vs.13 trailer could, and should, be re-cut into 3-minutes

Also, I just went to share this news with a friend over facebook, and I typed:

You know what's not necessary? A 7-minute trailer. Not for any game, ever.

@superhuffy: Thanks, I forgot to mention to everyone that I have PixelJunk shooter as well already. Anyways, Thanks everyone.

@Walking Eye: Was I the only one who found the demo super underwhelming?

I recently got my PS3 and was wondering what the must-have games on PSN are.

@MyDirtySecretary: Just like Gran Turismo 5 Achieved nothing. Men and Women made the Game. That is the achievement. The men and women are impressive, not the game.

@DocSeuss: Avatar already has two sequels confirmed, and Cameron is reportedly currently working on the story.

I've always found it pretty interesting how some gamers are so quick to ignore the game's score, provide their own soundtrack even, yet are still just as into the game as those who cherish the scores.

Now just bring Secret of Evermore to the iphone and we'll really have something going.

@spikespeigel: It's the same developer dude. I get what you're saying but it makes no sense! You want to stop supporting one of their lines of sequels in hopes they'll miraculously decide to take a huge risk on a sequel to a much lesser known IP?

This is amazing. If I can snag Xenogears and Vagrant Story without having to pay 100$ for a playstation copy I might finally have the will power to play them.