
"Red Dead Redemption: in all niceness and sincerity, it's a huge crushing shame that any games worse than this exist;"

@RAMeyer19: Not to say just cause Dorkly did it no one else can, I just wanted to provide their lists as well. The more top 10 snow levels lists the merrier of course!

First off, Dorkly has done two 10 Greatest Snow Level lists prior to the ranker one:

Only brought my PS2 slim home, so I'm taking the time to finally finish playing through Metal Gear Solid 2 for the first time(then will do 3 after that). I also brought home Chrono Cross, which maybe I'll get a chance to start as well.

@ChunkAhoy: chrono trigger, shadow of the colossus, portal, silent hill 2, braid and I really like artsy indy games.

@DocSeuss: Immersion isn't everything. The maximum level of immersion is when you forget you're playing a game and take the world for your own (at least in Laramee's defintion and the one I'm dealing with). There are plenty of other types of communication that can exist between player and game besides that.

@Lyokowarirtitan: Upadte: found a comment of mine in that article, so I guess I did read it. Man, I've been reading way too much on gaming lately, it's all becoming a blur.

@Lyokowarirtitan: Thanks for sharing, I think I missed that when it posted.

@resonance462: I agree. I'm all for cutscenes actually, and think they can serve a great role in games.

@fuchikoma: I love this post because I love the term "flow" in regards to games.

@Skunky: I love fun, don't get me wrong. But I don't think developers who chose not to focus on "fun" need to move on. In fact some of the most interesting games I've ever played weren't really fun at all.

@dragonfliet: I agree with basically everything you said. I do think what I wrote came-off a little flat as just anti-immersion, which is unfair since I really didn't spend enough time defining what immersion was, but I guess those are all consequences of trying to make this argument in a few short paragraphs.

@ChunkAhoy: Perhaps it would then make sense that I'm not a big Bioware fan?

@bluebogle: For the record, I was sort of specifically focusing on the type of immersion Laramee was talking about. Basically either feeling that you've become the character and/or forgetting that you're playing a game.

@tetracycloide: Not sure what term I'd use for that, it's a tricky sort of game-only type of immersion.

@DocSeuss: Maybe "move beyond it" wasn't the right term. I just wish people explored more interesting types of game-player communication than that of narrative immersion.

@boopadoo: I'm not criticizing games for not allowing me to do everything. At least, that wasn't my intent.

Wow, just got home to find this posted here. Thanks for the feature, Mike!

@Megamoppy: Yep, you're right! In Japan a circle is sort of associated with "correct" and an x with "incorrect" so it's natural to them for circle to be confirm.