@The Cap'n: My god, it looks amazing. This and Skyward Sword will be the final nails in my need to buy a Wii coffin.
@The Cap'n: My god, it looks amazing. This and Skyward Sword will be the final nails in my need to buy a Wii coffin.
I'm playing through Ico now for the first time, and the subtle use of rumble in it is one of the more effective physical methods of pulling me into the world of a game that I've ever experienced.
@Master Chef: I was being purely sarcastic. It was supposed to be a joke.
So I want to pick up a new DS game. My DS library is next to non-existent at the moment (I have the two Zeldas, and final fantasy 3 and 4). The 3 games I'm considering are:
Anyone see the connection between ESPN (who has a deal with Microsoft for the 360) reporting blatant false information on the situation and the fact that he's handing out PS3 versions of the game?
Even as a one-time victim of such flaming and trolling on the WoW forums, part of me sees this as a cop-out solution for forums of a game that is all about assuming an alternate virtual identity.
Honestly, I'd rather not see another Chrono Trigger sequel unless handled by Square-Enix themselves or Level-5.
@M0squ1t0: I like this a lot actually.
Super Mario Bros. on the NES. That game definitely definitively defines home console gaming.
Only having a 360 and not being a Mass Effect fan has put me in a position to be let down so far in 2010. Final Fantasy 13 was hugely disappointing for me, and I haven't played Bioschock 2 yet (nor finished 1 for that matter). I've been taking the main part of this year to go back and play games I missed from previous…
It's a funny thing. I've had my day 1 PS2 launch model since just that, the launch of the console. And it still works. I also got a PS2 slim from a friend for free, so I have my bases covered. I like to use my old fatty, out of nostalgia, but I go to pop in Ico, which has the blue disk, and it just makes a horrible…
@Shadowstep: I'd say Silent Hill 2. That part when you're in the sewers, or some underground tunnel part, with the girl, and Pyramid Head is chasing you comes to mind as the scariest part. I should really get around to playing SH3 someday.
@uppitycracker: Not quite true, they were actually doing quite well at the time of the change, a lot of it was due to the success they had testing the model with DDO first and a feeling that this would be the best way to bring new players into the game.
@wild_world_girl: yes.
@PS1: Not to mention horrible boss design (which kills the battle system) and story-telling, as well as a complete drop-off in character focus halfway through. So sad, I had such high hopes for 13.
@PS1: I went from Final Fantasy XIII to Chrono Trigger (which I'm about to finish). So basically one of the worst games Square ever made to one of the best.
I'm probably a day away from finishing Chrono Trigger, and I do have Chrono Cross in my possession. Thing is, I also have Ico, and have yet to play it. So question is, how necessary/beneficial is it to play Chrono Cross right after Trigger? Does it matter at all? Or should I bang out Ico first?
I always thought this was an interesting debate. I remember once reading an article (possibly on Kotaku, I don't recall) where employers said they'd rather not hire WoW players, even guild-leaders, because they believe the job would come second to the game.
"Out of seven new toy characters, only one is female -– the purple octopus whose scant dialogue is voiced by Whoopi Goldberg" False, see Trixie the dinosaur, and Barbie. I sympathize with the sentiment in this article, but think it's too subjectively written to be taken seriously.
Raimi "loves" the game World of Warcraft. Thus I think we all very well know the answer to the title of this article, "What's Happening With the Warcraft Film?"