
This is fucking amazing kinja. Just jaw-dropping.

If we’re going to speculate wildly, I’d bet these two ran off to hook up - she gets to be with an older college guy, so big-time bragging rights in her school, and he gets a girl - he doesn’t look like a ladies’ man, so any girl would be a help, even if she is underage. She’s on liver medication, and I’d bet they

How does this stupid shit have so many stars? Take your dumbass back to Gawker.

Your not necessarily wrong Greg, but neither is Spike. I can’t stand Spike Lee for many reasons, but asking us to stop killing each other and asking law enforcement to stop killing us aren’t mutually exclusive. Yes people know that hundreds of kids in Chicago are being gunned down by gang violence. Yes that’s the

The problem here is if you suspended every blundering Big Ten crew you’d need volunteers from the crowds to officiate.

This is bound to happen when an 8-0 team is based on 7 games that didn’t beat the spread. They have been lucky for too long. #FeelingSpitefulInAnnArbor

Sure, but tau protein is not a perfect marker. Alzheimer’s patients and asymptomatic individuals that have brains that look like Alzheimer’s brains have similar tau and beta-amyloid levels (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2460796…) .

What about asymptomatic former players? I think that’s the biggest weakness of these preliminary CTE studies.

Yeah, but a starting lineup generally has 9 lineman positions, right? Based on 22 starting not-kickers, seems to me 40% is actually right in line with what you’d expect given a random sample. (9/22 being 40.9% and all.)

Not to discount the study at all, but this statement is meaningless.

Hacker logic: “I don’t care if you engage in a perfectly legal business enterprise! I am the ultimate digital moral authority and I decide what does and does not qualify as socially acceptable!”

And how do you know all the victims involved in this illegal DOX were cheating? And even if they were why is that anyone’s business but their own?

I think i’s the responsibility of any journalist to point out hypocrisy, and that is what this is. People in glass houses and all that.

AP: “Stay here. Daddy is about to do what he does best.”

Then tries to throw a punch but is too drunk to connect and falls down. Then tells all his bros that he was taking a guy one-on-one when all his friends jumped him.

The Royals represent all that is bad about “traditional baseball”.

Has a team ever gone from being a bunch of nobodies that nobody cares about to entitled assholes that act like they’re better than everyone else this quickly? Seriously, I’d prefer a team full of A-rod’s representing the AL in the World Series than these KC jackasses.

Being an introvert and having to ask a girl out is pure hellllll

This. Oh jeez this. Like when I complimented a woman on her car (it was a very cool car, I like cars) and she smirked and asked me if I wanted a ride.

And I said “Oh, no. I’m just walking, it’s not even a block.”

She looked stunned, and it didn’t click in my stupid head for like a month.

Canadian knock-knock joke: