
I don’t want to make assumptions about what it is like to have a mastectomy. But I am imagining that if I had to have a mastectomy, even if I’ve come to terms with it and learned to accept my drastically changed body, seeing a bunch of attractive young women with their perfect breasts holding a coke can in my honor

Tim Duncan Has Big Plans For 2016: “I think I’ll make some egg white omelettes, and I’m going to try to bring pleats back for khakis. Oh, I might also buy a camry.”



It’s like Bosnia & Herzegovina.


This is exactly why I don’t play professional hockey. That and my inability to ice skate.

Sounds like your friend was sitting in the left hand lane and not getting over.

Amazon says its no longer available?

Amazon says its no longer available?

See this is the part I’m not getting with those stepping to his defense; even in Phoenix he only had one playoff team. In seasons where he started and ended as the head coach of a team, he only has 2 seasons where he was over .500. Offensive coaching ability, maybe. But not head man material IMO.

I mean you still have to score.

He’s a stop gap coach. I guess the money is good. As soon as the team becomes a consitent playoff or a championship contender. They will fire him to hire a coach to “get them over the hump.”

+1 whole foods

As the resident Deadspin Pelicans fan, I fucking hate this hire.

I agree. This is pretty much the antithesis of an exciting hire.

The Nets also considered hiring him, but ultimately decided that Brooklyn has already been Gentrified enough.

The best way to describe this guy as a head coach is that he makes an outstanding assistant coach.

He taught Steph Curry and Klay Thompson how to score baskets. Only an offensive genius could do that.

Offensive genius? What? This guy was a milquetoast who was in over his head when he was with the Pistons...did he hit some power weed that I don’t know about since then?

Usually you have to go a lot further than second base before the Colon is involved.