So basically, this is the tamest trip to Thailand in history
So basically, this is the tamest trip to Thailand in history
Since this ended in a thai, it went to a shootout.
Glad to see I wasn’t the only one struggling to get to first base in high school
The fact it was made public and the carefully nonchalant hair and general air of “Smile nice for Mr. Polanski” look about the whole thing, are reason enough for me to criticize the shit out of that photo. I get having carefully posed and thought out pics of your kids if you know there’s a public demand and you don’t…
My two daughters are grown now, but I know the ONLY time I ever saw one of them make this stupid pose was when the youngest was 19, and she was Baywatch Pamela Anderson for Halloween. I certainly never do that pose.
Here’s the problem with that viewpoint. The essay was an argument against ceding rights to the university, rights that feminists fought for decades to secure for women. Now, because of one creep (and there are plenty of creeps, particularly outside of the university environment where there is no faculty to step in),…
On this front they are correct. It is impossible to have a serious conversation about rape with this rape-hysteria. UVA. Duke. This. Lets have a serous conversation about rape kits for starters and the fact that there are thousands untested. How do you have a conversation with young women so stroked they don;t even…
I think it is an easy way to look like you are doing something about campus sexual violence. Most of student on student violence is a slippery slope of booze and plausible deniability, and no one wants to believe it is as bad as it really is or put in the tremendous effort needed to fix campus culture. Banning…
I am currently reading the newest piece and all I can say is that it is amazing how effective the proper deployment of logic can be! To wit:
The parts where she sounds like an academic are... not great. The parts where she writes in her actual voice make me want to get a beer with her so we can disagree amicably in person.
Feminism has found its Tea Party
I was a little impressed myself; I’ve been following this story on the philosophy blogosphere and it is surprising how many feminist philosophers have supported the students here.
The problem here is not feminism. It’s the rather new university atmosphere of caked-on “fear” rearing its ugly head. Instead of engaging others’ arguments, many people in the current collegiate generation have decided that claiming one has been placed in an “unsafe” environment by the “offending” ideas is a more…
I just wonder if these idiot, super liberal students are acting like fascists. I'm liberal, but filing complaints about an article written for Higher Ed is an attempt at censorship, no bones about it. I hope when they grow up they will look back at this as a cringe-worthy moment.
I mentioned this to you earlier today, Natasha, but over the past year, I’ve found the public face of the movement to grow more and more divorced from what it seems society needs feminism to be doing. In one corner, we have pandering celebrities who have tapped into the lucrative Tumblr activist demographic by…
I’m a life-long feminist who at 34 is starting to feel very much on the outside of this tent. What the fuck are these student’s going for here?
What part of this current iteration of feminism do you most identify with? The policing? The intolerance to differing views? The clinging to victimhood? I see none of myself in it.
The Patriot Act came out of some people being creeps too. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a terrible idea.
Read this earlier, and just, wow.
I mean, I was an idiot and a bad person in college too. But I never felt like I had the ability to try to ruin somebody’s life because... well, not because they didn’t agree with me, exactly, but because they agreed with me, but not on every exact thing.
Title IX is one of the greatest…