I would say that is a borderline offensive assumption that is a fact of life. Too many variables that come down to the bartender, the shift and the customers.
I would say that is a borderline offensive assumption that is a fact of life. Too many variables that come down to the bartender, the shift and the customers.
Ah, the Clit or Dick stimulation argument peppered with confusion and lack of information/over dose on conflicting information. Because nobody can get it through their thick skulls that 1) everyone is wired differently. While people may be SIMILAR to the point of LOOKING like the same, everyone is one of a kind. 2)…
When there are so many other openings. Like the victim blaming tactics. I mean really? Why not just hold up a neon sign with arrows that says "I rape female minors and my only defense is to shame them into suicide". If there was no rape, then they wouldn't need to shame the survivors. Just saying.
the girl was 11 yrs old and not the age of informed consent. Does not matter if she grew up around them. She could have waited 5 more years.
I think it shows you've become desensitized and tired of the hype/drama associated with these stories. It shows that you are missing some of the finer points that get lost in the hype storm.
Because those are two acceptable modifications because piercings are not as permanent as tattoos and nobody cares about male sexuality. Because tattoos are horrible, nasty and a waste of money and every one can agree on spreading negative views of tattoos.
unfairly bullied .....poor word choice. Bullied is bullied is bullied. There is no fair or unfair. It is unfair that they are bullied, but there is no one unfairly bullied.
Ah, I must have came in on the re-write then because the complaints were confusing me.
There seems to be cases where the babies are killed outside of the the limits of abortion- like close before birth/during or even after which is infanticide. Also- if infanticide is the terminology that the law that's suppose to stop selective abortions uses, then the writer is repeating the law's word use.
Or you know....treat those who produce our milk better. Quality over quantity and all that...but yeah, mass production sucks. And I don't think inserting a texting device in their gentiles is going to help it suck less.
There are people that defend Florida? X3
I think it comes from trying to be overly PC about someone's race/background and being overly selective. But yes, annoying, disgusting and down right rude does not cover it.
Geordi Laforge minus his visor!
Geordi Laforge minus his visor!
I don't think we have Slaver ants in America. Slaver species of ants have larger mandibles built for caring pupa and killing other ants. They can't feed themselves hence the need for slaves.
Means you still have it but the symptoms are repressed and it's possibly less infectious. You are stuck taking the meds or it will become active again. Few STDs/STIs will go away once you have them. At best they become dormant.
Even scarier is the comic that had GLaDOS and AI dating/breaking up. Apparently AI has some aggression issues that GLaDOS felt he should deal with. lol.
Beatiality is between a human and a non-human species. Besides the ethical issues of critters not being able to give informed consent and are generally treated like objects; it is a socially and one could argue biologically enforced mindset to *not* have sex outside of your own species. There is also religious…
Bestiality is between two different species so brings up the issue of person-hood more than same sex marriage as a human can not marry a non-humna. Now, if anti-abortion/person-hood laws end up giving people loop holes to justify their bestiality and non-human relationships that would be hilarious!
People more or less rape pigs when they are artificially inseminated- there are training videos and everything . Female horses are tied up and held so the male stallion can rape them while the human handlers watch. Some less ethical dog breeding practices strap the bitch into a harness so the male stud can rape them.…