If they are lucky, the families get hard labor. More often they just get killed or sent to prison camps to die. Either way, the families of the defectors get killed.

This....happens every year. Twice. Once in the spring/summer and then in the summer/fall. They posture, they bluster because they need aid and food. If they were truly a threat, China- NK’s main source of aid, would lay the smack down on them. Cuz no one wants a nuclear or significant weapons capable NK.

You go to India or any South Asian country (except for maybe North Korea) and the Swastika is everywhere. On maps or road signs it signifies where a temple or a shrine is located and it is everywhere as a very common religious/spiritual icon. So maybe not galaxies per say but definitely some kind of universe and

^ Truth.

My child-self eventually figured this out but there was a brief moment where I thought it was a tv Jungle Book sequel. :/

The guy possibly/probably has PTSD as a result of the prison/legal system experience and aggressive media attention and the constant harassment of armed protesters. Yeah I read it. PTSD sucks. No one deserves PTSD. Ever. Having it sucks. Being with people who have it sucks. It sucks to have PTSD no matter how slight

I’m pretty sure DS9's Mirror eps were just an excuse to have more Gul Garak fan service.

The hell?

Pretty sure the guns are there for display purposes only and not for any practical use.

Oh, PTSD from the consequences of raping. Let me sing him the saddest song. It’s called “Nobody cares about your feelings, Brock. Nobody will ever care.”

No difference. Days of doing that shit are over like the gold rush and WWII propaganda posters. No matter what the intent or context, it would just escalate and end in tears.


Hitler WISHED he had a vagina with teeth. He wished he had many many things. A father that loved him, people who appreciated his artistic talent. He got none of those things so he settled for world conquest through mass genocide.

Eh....I am probably one of the very few that might fret at the idea of ‘letting my period go’ and not having it anymore. That thing stuck with me during basic when most/if not all the other girls stopped having theirs or it started doing that weird not coming then coming shit I’ve only heard about. But my periods seem

If not surprise! sex, the male spider spends a lot of time on foreplay, gentle touches and massage before he jumps her. There was a study done on gold orb weaver spiders that more or less proved this. The males that spent the most time with foreplay were the ones that were less likely get eaten. Remember guys and

I noticed the similar threads between the two- in that it's a bunch of kids killing each other till one is left but really that is a common story thread. What about Maze runner? *shrug* It's like saying Kim Harrison's Hollows is a rip off of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files because they both have an Everafter/Nevernever

And then when there is something that does go off in a different direction people get angry at it for being too different or "not the same" as all the other things they watch.

Almost nothing in common-Yes. Because Fergully was/is awesome and Avatar is not in my most humble and bias opinion.

Well....(insert some kind of comparison to Battle Royale). Heh. It gets old real quick.

I never understood why one would disprove the other seeing as they more or less prove each other's existence.