I hope she gets time.
I hope she gets time.
It doesn’t take long at all.
Does this happen even with Sugar Loaf pineapples which are the best tasting fruit.
Jeremy Brett is the best Holmes
If it’s a really good pastrami it can be worth it. Not something you’d get everyday but when you want a pastrami you want a real good one.
After reading a few things about how they screw the restaurants and drivers I stay away from them. The pizza place I order from has their own drivers.
I just think people should be prepared to pay more for a better product.
If it’s a real good pastrami I will pay $18-20 for a sandwich.
She’s a liberal politically. She just takes exception that people who took some hormones get to dictate what the real women life experience is. You all get your panties in a twist when in reality you are fighting for men who you are letting dictate what feminism means. You enable misogyny in reality.
I think we can see that her hitting his car and spitting on him goes to fighting words. She clearly instigated it.
All charges against him should be dropped. She deserves the charges and more.
It’s more of a guideline than a rule. Ramming you with her car and then spitting on you. Jury says it’s okay to hit her.
My great grandmother made these for me. They were delicious. You could taste the love.
This would be nice for hunting or going to a national park.
This really isn’t addressed. You really have to have a house with a garage or private drive to get it charged. That knocks a lot of people out owning especially in urban settings where really EVs could do well.
I’d rather get shot than burn.
That cop should have gone to prison for life for that.
He’s smarter because he knows that’s why cars get keyed or tires flattened.
The cost of lamb seems so much more these days. I also don’t see it in the store as often. I used to be able to find a leg of lamb easy and it was reasonably priced.
I take the leftover cold chicken and microwave it for one minute. I want the cold chicken but I also want it just warm enough to get better flavor.