
I live in Vegas and yeah the solar screens can really help. Also get a house that gets some shade on the westside of it or a smaller part of the house faces west. That sun going down is killer. I have rooms with ceiling fans too. 

Are you sure the reason wasn’t Borat/Hep C? 

Looking forward to this. It’s a great story and feat that Ford won Le Mans.

Was at an Astros game when a fly to deep left was caught by Michael Bourn and he threw a laser to home plate, short hop into the catchers glove to get the last out and win the game.

Love your screen name, I’m a PG Wodehouse fan too. 

Meryl Streep needs to be told what “toxic masculinity” is by a “woke”little internet poster as much as she needs a hole in her head. Streep is a grown ass woman who succeeded in Hollywood at the highest levels since the 70's. For you to patronize her and talk down to her like she doesn’t know the struggle, you just

I hear ya, I love those red beans and rice. 

They don’t have to put nets all the way down but how about no kids there? That’s reasonable. I like sitting on the baselines but I’m a grown man and can make that decision.

Oh no, poor thing. I turned the game a moment after this happened. Sounds like she’ll be okay but you still you worry. I felt bad for Almora too, he was broken up about it and Madden had him call it a night after his at bat.

I live in the SW US and even our fast food isn’t as bland as you make it out to be. Our little taco joints are pretty good. Popeyes alone brings the spice. The Asian scene in fast food is picking up outside of Panda. I see ramen fast food place popping up. I do find it hard to see from where I am that Canadian fast

Florida is bad for MLB. My hometown AAA team draws more than them now since they moved to a new park in a better area.

I remember when going to a Pizza Hut was something of a treat. 

You my friend have not been to the South or Southwestern US then. If all you know are the northern border states then yeah they have no spice at all but that ain’t everywhere I can assure you.

I lived in Europe for a few years and the European beef isn’t so good. Burger King though imported their beef from the US so they were better. The best steaks there are at Argentinian steak places. Lots of great food in Europe but a good steak or burger aren’t among them in my experience. That’s why that scene in

It took time for McD’s to do McCafe in America because when they wanted to do it originally there were issues in the markets and they couldn’t swing the money to buy the machines for all of the restaurants. I remember following the story in the WSJ.

Reminds me of the movie Barcelona where the main character talks about how foreigners think Americans are dumb for liking hamburgers because the ones they have are bad and not good like American burgers. 

We never talked, best friend I ever had- Ron Swanson

I live 5 miles from the office of my business. I can get there in well under 10 minutes. It’s so nice. I moved to be that close. It really does add to quality of life. 

SLC is a lovely city but when I have to bring my own beer with because they have a cap on beer alcohol content, no thanks. I do like the Belgian sausage and frite place and I like the local pizza place The Pie.

I agree with Rachel Nichols who said that it should be the best players not the best players by position. The NBA today is not as regimented as it used to be in regards to player positions. I mean used to be that every team wanted a big man at center , not so anymore.