Mom’s german style potato salad. My mom didn’t make many things that were really good but her potato salad was one of them.
Mom’s german style potato salad. My mom didn’t make many things that were really good but her potato salad was one of them.
As a former BP agent that is not the first time Mexican soldiers have shot at or gone after BP agents or those working on our side of the border. There is a standing bounty on BP agents put up by the cartels.
As a dude I was totally oblivious to this formula shaming until I read Bossypants by Tina Fey. She wrote about her issues breastfeeding and the shaming that she got from other mothers for using formula. It blew my mind. It just seems so outrageous that a stranger would got after someone else like that.
Thank you. I remember not always heating the formula for my nephew and niece.
They can’t ask for proof if it’s a service dog all the person has to say is that it is a service dog. ADA says they don’t have to show proof.
Howard could build a wall?
Astros had won 11 in a row till this game. They were killing the ball. To shut them down like this is a great performance. When a a guy is hitting the zone on both sides of the plate like that there isn’t much you can do.
A “We need clicks” post.
If you’re on a road with no lighting I get using high beams. In the city with lit streets and freeways you don’t need hi beams. In Vegas where I live we have so many assholes using their hi beams where they don’t need them. We also have the assholes with the LED light bars using them on city roads.
If you like it, you like it. I’ll stick with using my nice springform pan and a water bath.
She’s doing cosplay. That’s the context. She isn’t getting made up to be a black faced minstrel. She didn’t put a fro wig on or exaggerate her lips. Also she doesn’t have the baggage that Americans have of mocking black people. I think just talking to her about how it could appear bad to a lot of people is good…
Very cool
I’m with you I don’t get the impetus to have to get the kids into USC.
Most of you are morons. Dems has several new members who flipped seats in districts that Trump won but you don’t pay attention to them. You pay attention to the three new members who won is safe Dem districts and who are antagonizing swing voters.
Annual income of approx $440,000 and above is a 1%er FYI
Cap was popular when I was a kid in the 70's. There was actually a short lived TV series of Cap.
I think Avengers is the best Marvel film so far. So good that Avengers 2 is kind of ruined by how good it is and it highlights how lacking 2 was.
I was putting a new video card in and when I was pulling the old one out I forgot to hit the locking tab. Without much effort I pulled the old card out along with the mount. All those little wires staring at me. Had to get another mobo. I was so pissed at myself.
My closest DMV was actually pretty good most I ever waited was 45 minutes. That was before our governor decided that illegal aliens could get DL’s. Now it’s a multi hour nightmare. I probably go to DMV more than most since the business I own has a number of vehicles. Even if I make an appointment it’s an hour at least.
Yep, Didn’t think there was a difference between this bike and the 50cc he used to ride.