
Just read today 3/20 that Disney is bringing back Lucasfilm games.

Who are we supposed to be mad at in this scenario? 

Keep it up. Squares own the world. 

You’d think Disney now would want to do in-house production of SW games. Reviving the Lucasart brand would make sense. Of course that’s just me daydreaming. 

Like others have mentioned that Disney may just come and kill it. I can’t see why they wouldn’t hire these guys to do it. This would be popular because there is a dearth of Star Wars games. Old farts like me would but it up and so would many other people. I see a lot of upside but that doesn’t always make a

I did read that but it still doesn’t really make sense to me. I get that Lucas and upper management cocked it up but WHY? The game they made were top notch for the most part. 

I still have that game and played the hell out of it. It is one of my fav games.

Not the size of a dog in a fight but the size of the fight in the dog. 

I have an inexpensive analog instaread and a laser thermometer. They work great. 

I have an inexpensive analog instaread and a laser thermometer. They work great. 

Glad the hard working reporters at the WSJ could get you a post to this site to justify your job. I subscribe to the WSJ and have for many years so in a way I helped fund this post. Do you call yourself a journalist? If so, why?

Yeah, shoot for the moon. State school will be there. 

I’m right wing but I never pay attention to Cernovich nor should anyone else. Gunn’s tweets were bad jokes from years ago and once he apologized that should have been the end of it. Disney should have had a little more fortitude and waited it out.

One daughter is working social media and has a make up line so why does she need to go to college? The other wants to be an actress like mom, again why does she need college? What is college going to do for either of them? 

If I talk shit to someone I fully expect to have shit talked back at me. 

Someone talks shit you talk shit back I think this is overblown. 

I think it’d be healthier for us all in one thing to take away from this is that elite universities are bullshit. Harvard is bullshit and all the other Ivy Leagues. State schools are good too. We all put too much prestige on these elite schools.

David Hogg’s SAT scores didn’t warrant him getting into Harvard but he got accepted anyway. 

That was engines literally falling off the plane while in flight. 

I get outsourcing components but main systems should be done in house by Boeing. 

I had qualms with the move of the HQ to Chicago too at the time. I think that move contributed to the 787 delay. Top tier management is out of the loop on things that they would have known before. It wasn’t broke so why change/move?