
She adapted and overcame, I like that. Also the staffer did deserve getting some shit. Klobuchar needs to get a titanium spork and keep it in her purse. 

They could give a shit about the players. When a player gets a career ending injury they are totally screwed. The college pays for medical for a few years 3-4 and that’s it. The players get catastrophically injured, same thing.

My great grandmother made fried pies, they were good. First time I met her she made a batch just for me. 

You are weird. The Filet O Fish is the double red headed orphan of the McDonalds family. They probably throw more away than sell them. 

I’m with you. These pansies think their pumpkin spice IPA is beer but in reality it is a pale shadow of what beer should be.

I spent my formative drinking years in Germany so German beer is the way to go for me. 

What nonsense this is. NATO members not spending what they should and supporting the Iran regime deserves a lecture.

I was a young adult when this happened. Sure it was a joke, I mean it wasn’t as though that happened often. I thought she should have been prosecuted but there was also the subtext of he did something to her to get that kind of action on him. Bobbit was never held up as a hero at least not in my mind. He was just a

This is interesting but we need to know why diet soda is bad.

I can understand why Kerr would be upset, this could cost them a spot in the playoffs. #eyeroll 

Love it. 

I think the guy not being his regular caddy does factor into it. I think the counter offer/demand of $50,000 was reasonable. $5,000 is pretty cheap in those circumstances. 

Salts can have different flavors. I mean Fleur De Sel tastes different from kosher salt. In terms of baking or as a cooking ingredient salt is salt but finishing a dish with Fleur De Sel can make it tastier. 

I sure that sometimes as a kid then later it’s all forgotten. Isn’t it okay for parent and child to not like each other sometimes? 

IQ-wise I’m pretty intelligent but that’s got nothing to do with wisdom or good character. 

I had a little back and forth with reporter Sharyl Attkisson on Twitter a few days ago who doesn’t come out literally and say she is anti-vaxx but she’ll put up stuff that hypes up a link between the vaccines and autism. I got on her about it because that is the exact thing that anti-vaxxers latch onto to justify

Europe has stricter labor laws when it comes to laying off employees. But it’s a trade off, employees get more security but companies only hire when they absolutely have to. That part hits young people really hard.

In this case I think the CEO should have a more detailed explanation as to why these layoffs have to happen.

I would disagree with that. Unions generally negotiate better layoff terms. In this case the severance terms seem pretty good, I don’t see a union getting better.

Union employees get laid off too.