I have a friend who spent some time developing his pizza dough recipe. He plotted it all out on Excel. I’ll eventually get him the pizza book because it’d be a perfect gift for him but he’s being a major prick lately so in the future I suppose.
I have a friend who spent some time developing his pizza dough recipe. He plotted it all out on Excel. I’ll eventually get him the pizza book because it’d be a perfect gift for him but he’s being a major prick lately so in the future I suppose.
I give my coffee 30 seconds in the microwave after adding half and half. The coffee and mug get nice and hot.
I got rid of my rice cooker when I got the Instant Pot.
I’m understanding that his money from his acting days was well invested. Looked it up and he has a estimate net worth of $40 million. He’s just fine.
IKR? I’ve been in one of the biggest WoW guilds for years and one of the reasons it’s big is that there are a lot of women in it. They don’t get harassed in the guild and in the few times it’s happened the offender has been dealt with swiftly. It’s a pretty chill guild with a minimum of drama.
I haven’t seen anyone left or right really think this is bad at all. Most think the poster is dumb.
Good for her. The jerk deserved at least that. Grabs her like that over a straw???
My mom regularly made ox tail soup when I was a kid. Thought it was common.
We have no aristocracy nitwit. The government doesn’t have a right to a citizens money just because they died. There have been many very wealthy people who have passed on some wealth to their relatives but have distributed most of it to charities and foundations. The majority of JD Rockefeller’s fortune went to…
I’m opposed to estate taxes on the principal that people shouldn’t be taxed twice. I think the government profiting from someone’s death rich or poor is detestable.
So you have to knock the men chefs to raise up the women?
Guy is helping the audience know what the cooks/chefs are doing. I love DDD too and love that Guy gives these people a chance to show off. I love the gratification these people get from that national attention.
I have an analog quick read thermometer and haven’t felt the need to get a digital one. It works perfectly fine.
See, you think you are smart and got things figured out but you don’t. You don’t know much it seems. Please prove me wrong by digging that hole even deeper trying to rebut me.
Wow, boy do you have an axe to grind. Talk about spreading some bullshit.
If the killer was on parole there should have been more that could have been done. He could’ve been violated or something.
I bought a Fire Stick last year and it’s a good device but I use YouTube TV so it’s kinda useless to me. I bought another Roku.
I bought a Fire Stick last year and it’s a good device but I use YouTube TV so it’s kinda useless to me. I bought…
Million to one shot Doc, million to one!
At first I kinda thought he made this a while back but when I realized it wasn’t old I cringed. How not selfaware can you be? And he has charges pending.