a fellow Hamiltonian here! Rare that I read ANYTHING about our town on this (or any other, for that matter) site...
a fellow Hamiltonian here! Rare that I read ANYTHING about our town on this (or any other, for that matter) site...
Thank you, yet again C.A., for another installment of one of my favorite blogs online. I have not worked in a restaurant environment since I was around 15yrs old, so I'm a little removed from this, but man... this shit is infuriating, hilarious and embarrassing all at once.
But... you are aware that Jez is pretty trolly, right? Like... you cannot honestly think that this site is too much more than a toxic cauldron where people insult each other for the slightest misstep. Better to be outraged than curious, I guess.
Weird... most replies to you seem to disagree, yet you have the most stars... silent majority on display?
Scrolled down to see if anyone commented on this name. Ummm... yea.
It's the hypocrisy on this site that kills it...
Cool shit.
"just a white dude"? Ummm... he was fucking awesome. Was his skin white? Yup. Was a a guy? Yup. But hey, it's Jezebel so let's reduce him to the color of his skin and gender... you know he's totally the kind of guy who deserves that kind of label/treatment.
Notice absolutely no reply from this person... yea; I did too... as soon as ppl started calling her out on her generalization-bullshit, she made with the Jezebel-Jive and split town when she couldn't win an "argument".
So, then black dudes in Africa treat black ladies in Africa worse than any color dudes treat white women?
Eudoxie? Hmmm.. I really like that name. Anyone know how it's pronounced? Like "You-Doxie"
I love these stories everytime... but man; it boggle my mind how some people can be such utter assholes.
It's more of an African thing, rather than a Muslim thing, although the overwhelming amount of people who practice it are indeed Muslim, it's not a blanket statement. And as far as I know, it's more of a cultural thing, rather than a religious thing.
I don't know how much of this is true, but hwy is that so many professional chef's seem to be complete assholes?
Breakups are the worst.
What does that even mean?
Watching people posting here stumble over themselves to justify the racism/nationalism displayed by Miss Lebanon is awesome... keep it up!
If 20 have come forth, I'd imagine there are wayyy more actual victims involved.
DK minus Jello is nothing I need to see, therefore live sex wins.