So gay couples can marry in Florida? So... you're telling me that something positive is coming out of Florida!
So gay couples can marry in Florida? So... you're telling me that something positive is coming out of Florida!
Both are impressive, but her's more so b/c of her bare-handed technique. I'd assume the smaller fingers would help sliding under the blocks.
Reddit? You mean the place where Jez/Gawker get a large portion of thier stories from?
So how are Americans a race?
This was a fantastic read. Very engaging.
Whoever is installing this plan is a fuckhead from the stone age.
The World's Florida... that is probably the funniest thing I've read in months.
Huh? Who mentioned that this only happens in other countries?b Who exactly are you mad at? I didn't read anyone stating that only happens elsewhere.
Hehehe... try visiting China and see how they treat black people.
Exactly... try going to China and see how they treat black people.
Not sure what is grosser; this story or the fact that most posters here have similar ones to share... hahaha!
All rappers are have misogynistic, violent and vulgar lyrics... fuck 'em all.
Dude... STOP IT.
Nice try... all those other "comparisons" you listed have alternative intended uses... a gun is only meant to kill. There are arguments for guns (not many, but a few), but this is laughable.
I think the argument that people against guns have is the control & damage issue. It's like here in Ontario with the Pit-Bull ban.
That's some impressive "apology-by-avoidance" being done by Barris. And it's funny how most people here seem fine with it; I vaguely remember seeing other posts about Cosby (when the story first started to break) and people were TRASHING anyone who even remotely defended Cosby... but now apparently it's OK for Barris…
This is Jezebel; of course it's 12yr old girl shit... what did you expect?
Vladdy Pout-Pouts comes in, drops some troll-bombs, then vanishes... and you guys took the bait. Look how many comments there are on his post... and none are rebuttals from him.
You are aware that most singles/lookin' for sex ads list ethnicity, right?
You're comparing a relatively normal sex act (BJ) with a bizarre, creepy sex act. Not equivilant.