Wait a second... did he actually try and take a police officers gun? Is this true?
Wait a second... did he actually try and take a police officers gun? Is this true?
I think that's a relatively fair assessment. It's like when you paint with a wide brush; some folks assume that you mean "all X people are good/bad/skinny/etc...", rather than just a certain portion.
That's a slick looking graphic up there... really sets the tone for the article. Or not at all.
Yes... because the poor justice system in the US IS THE EXACT SAME THING as the poor justice system in the Middle East.
Hahaha.. and of course the boarder collie rocks it. I had a BC named Jimmy (died last year), and the was smart as shit.
I cannot rec this enough.... oh god... tears almost running down my face...
My boner does not need fixing :)
Hedge your bets; have lots of kids. I have four, and I'm hoping out of those at least a few will look after me! Hahahaha!
Nobody cares about someone who actually inside, working knowledge of teh issue at hand... this is Jezebel and it runs off of emotion and anger.
Now that you mention it... yes. Very bizarre...
That is fucking lame. So, according to him, giving pleasure to your loved one is something that "black guys don't do?"
they don't and she is an idiot.
That was an amazing excuse for Minaj you just pulled off in the last paragraph.
That tweet is sad and lame. I mean, a person can be good looking no matter how fucked up they are, but to try and make it a "thing" (warmachinewednesday) is just pathetic.
In her defense, Annalee often replies to comments. Other Gawker Madia authors? No... never... not at all.
Have your kids first, then get one. I had 4 kids, then got on, so not I don;t have to finish like a porn star every night! Hahaha! Best thing I;ve ever done...
You're funny.
I see myself pretty much the same way.
But times and people change... groups of people used to do all sorts of barbaric things in the past, but we evolve. Look at the Bible; some crazy shit in there, but are most Christians performing it to the letter in real life? No... because they have grown up and realized that shit won't fly in a civilized world.
That is fucking sad sad sad that this is news. Fucking slow clap to you, India.